Roman James Turns 7! A Wailmer Pokémon Birthday Party
On May 7th, Roman James turned 7-years-old. I can’t even type those words without crying. When I think about the fact that my baby boy is 7, I am overcome with emotion. Mostly I remember the brand new mama holding a little tiny baby boy in her arms, seeing other mamas with “big kids” and feeling certain that those days were so far away from us. But somehow, in what seems like the blink of an eye, here I am with a 7-year-old boy. He resembles that tiny baby that I once cradled in my arms, but he has also has grown into his own unique person, a big person with his own mind and heart and loves and beliefs and fears.
And I’m crying again. I am struck by how much love I held in my heart for that tiny baby and how I thought it impossible to love him in anymore than I did then. And yet, here we are, seven years later and–still–I find myself loving him more with every single passing day. There are the things in this life that you cannot know until you live them, like for example, how the human heart has an infinite capacity for growing in love. This is what motherhood has taught me.
Like many things that have happened this year, Roman’s birthday party was unconventional. We couldn’t invite friends or family due to social distancing restrictions, but still we celebrated here and made the day as special as possible for him. He chose to have a Pokémon-themed birthday party which was a surprise to precisely no one. His favorite Pokémon character is Wailmer, but he is not very popular so the best way I could think to incorporate him into the party was by having a Wailmer birthday cake made by a local bakery. So that’s what we did and Roman loved it.
We also had Pokémon balloons. I had ordered some other decorations but sadly they didn’t arrive on time. Shipping is slow these days, understandably, but such is life in the time of a pandemic. Even though it might not have been everything that we had in mind, it was still a beautiful day of celebrating my boy. We ordered in pizza from his favorite place, played games in the backyard, sang happy birthday, and ate cake. It was just enough and I am so grateful for all of it always. Here are a bunch more snaps from the day.
I hope that you enjoyed the post, friends. Here’s wishing that the year ahead is full of every magic and joy for my Roman James.