Wildflowers & Monday Morning Thoughts
Happy Monday, friends. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. The weather has been so gorgeous here. The oppressive heat & humidity that has been present throughout the summer has finally lifted. It’s been perfect outside — not too hot, not too cold. I just want to be outside all day.
On Friday night, I took Roman and Marina to the ball field at the end of our street for a big community bonfire to celebrate the kick-off of the football season. It was so much fun. I kept them up way past their bedtimes, but it was worth it. They marveled at the sparks dancing in the summer night sky. It felt so nice to be surrounded by our neighbors, strangers, and friends — all of the people that make up this special town where we live.
Other than that, my weekend was full of a lot of work. I had a kid-free day on Saturday, so I hunkered down and spent the entire day editing photographs from a recent wedding. I’ve got another one coming up in just a couple of weeks, so I am trying to stay ahead of the game.
I’ve also been daydreaming again about filling our home with beautiful, fresh flowers. I have my eye on all of the bouquets at Flower Chix at the moment.
My to-do list is as out-of-control as ever, but I’m working on allowing myself grace and holding faith that everything will get done in its own time. Patience has never been my strong suit, but I am working on it.
I snapped these photographs of my living room and some wildflowers that I had collected along the roadside nearly a month ago. I had intended to share them straight away, but alas, life had other plans. Now here they are four weeks later. Bright wildflowers like these are no longer to be seen around here. Summer is quickly fading to autumn and bright berries and leaves have already begun to replace bright flowers like these.
So much has changed in my living room since I took these photographs, too. I’ll have to take some updated photographs in there sometime soon.
Really, I just wanted to stop in to say hello. I’m going to try to get back to posting three times a week. Perhaps saying that out loud will hold me a bit more accountable. I hope that you have a wonderful day, friends.
Love always—