An Explained Absence & Some Business Rambles
I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I’ve posted. Over the past few months I’ve made blogging a priority and achieved my goal to post three times each week. But these past two weeks have been different.
I am always struggling to find a balance because technically I have five jobs. First, I care for my two children and my sister’s two children Monday – Friday. Next, I work for my church between 10 – 12 hours each week, oftentimes more but that’s what it says on paper. Then, I manage this blog; run my photography studio, Firefly Jar Photography; and run my shop, Fox & Arrows.
If it sounds like a lot, well it is. I often find myself working 50 – 60 hours a week. A lot of times, I will force myself to stay up way later than I’d like just to get it all done, but the past week or so I’ve been physically unable to do that. I try hard to strike a balance, but it’s not easy. I know that I have to listen to my body; and when it says it’s time to rest — that means it’s really time to rest.
I’ve been wanting to write about all of my businesses for awhile now. It’s something that I’ve struggled with, especially in the last two years as I’ve begun to see my businesses find success and growth. It doesn’t seem sustainable for one woman to run five businesses, and yet I can’t imagine giving any of them up. I truly love everything that I do. I am also not yet at that point where I can hire help. While my businesses are successful, they are only successful enough that they allow me to take care of my family. I am not yet at the point where I have enough revenue to allow for additional help.
Still, I do feel like I am at a precipice — if I see just a bit more financial success in the coming year, I think that I will be able to hire an assistant. That would be so amazing! I could see myself and my businesses growing and thriving in extraordinary ways.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I love that quote and I know how true it is. I last sat down to map out my goals in July. While I’ve accomplished a lot on my list, I’ve also seen things shift and change. I need to re-evaluate and re-prioritize very soon. I’ve been feeling a bit directionless lately, rather like I am running on a hamster wheel getting no where. And that means that I simply need a better map to guide me — more clear goals, stronger intentions, and clearer visualization.
Clearly I am thinking out loud here, friends, and I thank you for listening along. Sometimes sitting down to write out my thoughts provides me more clarity than anything else possibly could. I’ve also been wanting for a long time now to share here on the blog about the business side of my life. I’ve always written about the personal side of things, but I do think that the business side might be interesting to some of you.
Please let me know what you think. Based on my survey results, I know that a lot of you are interested in simple living, natural living, and that you all love the posts about my sweet, little ones. But are any of you interested in the business side of things — blogging, photography, running an online shop? I’m surely not an expert by any means, but I have been working hard these past few years and finally see some success. I’d love to share a little bit more about all of that if anyone is interested.
Alright, friends… I got up with the sun to write this post before the craziness of another day sets in. Four little ones running around needing constant attention. The businesses that I’ve mentioned above. Food prep for our mostly raw vegan lifestyle. Hundreds of images to edit from a wedding that I shot over the weekend. And a whole bunch of home projects going on, including furniture refinishing, that I can’t wait to share with you.
My, these days are so full and bursting at the seams! It’s wild, but it’s so wonderful and I am so blessed. I love you all. Enjoy your day. xo
Photograph of me is by Erin Witkowski. I get so many questions about this dress, and it’s found right here if you’re interested.
Comments (2)
Hayley Blake
August 29, 2017 at 5:34 pm
That sounds like an amazing place, they need one in nz! Yoy are a superwoman love, so proud of you and also your entry about thinking how to take care of you too. Must be hard with being a stay at home mum and working those hours. Thinking of you love. Balancing everything seems to be a womans place now, and its a constant learning process but i wanted to say im proud of you. I know it hasnt come easy and nor is it easy now. 😘😘
August 31, 2017 at 8:16 am
Thank you so much, Haley. It is a lot to balance, but aren’t we all (mothers) superwomen!? I think yes. Heroic feats on the daily. Lots of love to you and thank you for always being such a wonderful supporter and friend. xo