The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, for one year.
38/52 — We’ve missed quite a few weeks of the project while I’ve been sick. Still I’d like to continue on with it whenever I am able. I really enjoy scrolling through our portraits from each week and watching how Roman grows & changes. It’s pretty amazing.
He looks very different in this portrait because he’s just had his first haircut. I’ll make another post about the haircut soon. This portrait was taken over the weekend at my hometown picnic, a few hours after his haircut. He had a great time and his favourite part was the petting zoo.

Comments (3)
September 22, 2014 at 12:44 pm
I love how you kept it longer in the front. Cute as ever: )
September 22, 2014 at 7:25 pm
That is such a great photo of him… probably the best one I’ve seen yet!!!! His blue eyes and blonde hair kills me. Please come to New Jersey and take photos of my daughter haha I hope you feel better again soon!
Momista Beginnings
September 23, 2014 at 1:35 am
Aw, the first haircut. He still looks just as handsome. I’ve yet to take Mia for her first cut and she really needs it! Ugh, I just worry she’ll do horribly. Good for Roman! He cleans up nicely 🙂 And I hope you’re doing better, girl. Hang in there! -Misty