My little stars. There is a feeling that a mother has while pregnant, a knowing. Months and months of carrying a life inside of her, getting to know a little human in the most indescribable way. Six years into motherhood and I still can’t get over the knowing, how I knew my babies before they ever left my body. Lately I have undergone a huge energy shift. For the first…
A Free Guide: How to Create Gorgeous Images with Your Phone
Over the years, I have received so many questions about phone photography. Most people are surprised to learn that many of the pictures that I share are not taken with my fancy camera. They are simply taken and edited on my phone! This morning I…
DSLR Photography for Beginners: The 3 Basics
My journey with photography has been an interesting one to say the least. I started taking photographs with disposable cameras when I was a little girl. Through high school and early college I owned a series of digital “point + shoots” which were mostly used…
Of All The Things My Hands Have Held…
When my children look back on their childhood, my greatest hope is that they will remember the magic that I have worked so hard to create for them. “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.” “For all the things my…
Autumn Splendor: The Gift of No
The autumn that is ending has been one of my favorites to date. It’s always been my favorite season, full of magic and warmth, but this one was more illuminating & empowering than any that have come before it. This past summer was a tumultuous…
Mommy & Me Session with Jessica & Gabriella
A few weeks ago, I shot this Mommy & Me session at one of my favorite lakes. Jessica & sweet, little Gabriella were a joy to work with. The love between mother & daughter is a love like no other. It was such an honor…
Christmas Card // 2015
The above two images make up our 2015 family Christmas card. This year, I decided to do something silly and included an outtake on the back of the card. Plus, altogether it does a great job of capturing our lives at present — sweet &…
heart spill // november
My heart is preparing itself for winter. I find myself wondering how I will survive. These seasons of my life are the hardest and the most full of wonder that I will ever know. There is the solitude of marriage; the solitude of motherhood; the…
Pumpkin Picking // 2015
This morning we piled in the car and headed to the pumpkin patch. Autumn has been my favorite season since I was a little girl and pumpkin picking has always been my favorite autumn tradition. (After trick-or-treating, of course.) As always, getting to experience the…