I am so excited to partner with Apple n Amos — an Etsy shop that creates handmade Waldorf and Montessori-inspired wood toys. I’ve been a fan for a long while and when I decided to partner with small businesses & artisans to promote hand-made goods, Apple n Amos was at the top of my list. A little bit about the shop… It all started from a tiny seed. In a quiet corner of Connecticut, Mama Amos and Papa Joe create wonderful opened ended educational wood toys. Their son is very happy to play with all of their creations and he is indeed the inspiration behind what they do.
Apple n Amos’ goal is to provide families with the best wooden toys. They love the idea of using a toy to teach little ones about their colors, letters, numbers and early math. Their quality wooden toys can withstand the toughest toddler play and transition easily into educational preschool teachings. Apple n Amos follow the Waldorf and Montessori teaching principles when designing their toys. Being that the toys are wooden, it makes them the perfect toy to pass along to a new set of eager hands.
Amos sent us a couple of toys to try out & we’re in love. The first toy that we tried out was a beautiful hand kite. Three beautiful shimmery ribbons in primary colors are attached to a 3-inch-smooth, wooden ring. The wood is sealed in Apple n Amos’ homemade olive oil and beeswax polish. When I took the hand kite out of the packaging, I really didn’t know what to expect from Roman. I gently waved the ribbons in front of him and his eyes widened — he was smitten! He absolutely loves to watch me waving the ribbons around. There is something magical about the combination of colors and the way that they flutter. The piece is so lovely & well-crafted. Roman & I will be enjoying this toy for years to come. Someday (too soon!) he’ll be counting the ribbons and naming the colors.
The other toy that we tried out was a wood & wool teething ring. It is a solid maple ring. Maple is naturally anti-bacterial and the solid wood is incredibly durable — tough enough to handle teething baby chomps! To make it a little more soothing, half of the ring is hand-crocheted. You can dampen the wool, stick the ring in the freezer and once cold, give to baby for soothing relief. Roman doesn’t have any teeth popping through yet but something is definitely happening in there because lately he has been chewing on everything. This ring is the perfect size for his little hands & he loves sucking away on the pretty yellow part of the ring. In fact, when I gave it to him, he didn’t want to let it go! This is going to be a charm to have around once he starts teething!
Please go ahead and check out the Apple n Amos shop when you have a moment. You won’t be sorry. Whether you’re looking for your own little one or for a gift — there are so many beautiful toys to choose from. And now is the perfect time because Apple n Amos is offering my readers FREE SHIPPING on all US orders through the end of September. Just use code: ‘LOVESIMPLE’ at checkout. Many thanks to Apple n Amos for this partnership. Keep an eye out for more photos of Roman playing with these sweet, new toys. xo

Comments (3)
August 14, 2013 at 9:52 am
So cute! I love natural toys like this, and these photos are definitely making me miss the days when I had a little tiny baby around – sigh! Thanks for your vote, I’ve voted for you as well 🙂
August 14, 2013 at 8:24 pm
aren’t the toys sweet? there is something really special about them. i know that we’ll be enjoying them for awhile! thanks for the vote, love. xo
Carmen Pérez Pérez
October 13, 2013 at 12:42 pm
We are a couple of artisans who have educated our children in the Waldorf School “Escuela Libre Micael” in Madrid, Spain. That’s why we have known this pedagogy and developed a Waldorf toys line in our workshop.
Now, along with other artisans, have a website with which our products can be delivered to any part of the world. You can see it at the following link:
Kind regards