Baby’s Been…
Tomorrow Roman James will be one month old. In the past four weeks, I have learned so much about this beautiful boy. I want to remember what he’s doing at each stage of his growth. This new series “Baby’s Been” will be all about what my baby has been up to lately.
- He was born at 8 lb. 7 oz. At his first doctor’s visit (the day after we got home from the hospital) he was 7 lb. 9 oz. At his two week visit, he was back up to his birth weight, plus 3 more ounces — 8 lb. 10 oz. He’s really growing now and we can’t wait to see what he weighs at his two-month visit.
- He’s an average-sized baby except for his huge hands and feet. All of his newborn clothes fit him, except for the shoes — not even close. We think this might mean that he’ll be tall, like his 6’5″ father.
- Roman absolutely loves to be at the breast. It’s his very favourite thing and if he could spend all of his time there, he would. It doesn’t matter if he is eating or not — although he LOVES to eat — he just wants to be close to his mama.
- His favourite song is the alphabet song. Mama has tried singing all kinds of songs to him but the one he prefers is the ABC’s. Mama sings it to him when he is fussy, during his baths, and at each diaper change.
- He loves to look at shadows and anything that moves, especially the ceiling fan. During diaper changes mama and daddy’s shadows are cast on the wall next to him. This fascinates him to no end. Sometimes we make animal shadow puppets and Roman’s eyes get wider and wider.
- Roman kicks and punches like nobody’s business. Since day one, we’ve had a little mover and shaker on our hands. He kicks and punches so hard — it’s a little scary. We’ve never been able to keep him swaddled, even after we bought the special swaddle blanket… He kicks blankets right off and don’t even bother trying to cover his arms. This little guy likes freedom all the way.
- He makes all kinds of sounds! When he’s content, he makes the sweetest little coos and when he’s fussy he sounds like an angry gremlin. He also cries — a lot — and boy can he ever scream. He is a vocal guy and we can’t wait to know what he’s really saying.
- We go through lots of diapers in this house. With all of his eating, he also fills up diapers like there’s no tomorrow. Several times, he has decided to “go again” while mama was changing his diaper. That’s always fun.
- Everybody says that he looks just like daddy. He does. When I saw him for the very first time, I was stunned. I saw his father’s face — just smaller! I am so grateful that he got his daddy’s good looks. We are told that he has mama’s chin… At least I know he’s mine. 😉
Our little list could go on and on. We’ve been up to so much this first month. But we’ll end it here for now. Until next time, a couple more photographs from our first month together.
Comments (2)
June 3, 2013 at 4:58 pm
How sweet is that last photo!!!? So funny, Isabella LOVES the ABC’s and she’s often staring at the ceiling fan too…must be a baby thing 🙂 He’s precious…looking forward to hearing all about his milestones!
June 3, 2013 at 7:13 pm
oh, how sweet! indeed — the ceiling fan must be a baby thing. my little nephew loved it when he was a baby, too. xo