Slowly, slowly. That’s how it is these days. Cherishing every precious moment. This time I know just how quickly they will pass. Time spent in front of this screen will be rare for a little while longer. I wrote out most of her birth story and I am slowly editing photographs from her first couple days of life. Most of the time, however, you can find me on the couch…
Questions on Eating & Sleeping
How did you introduce solids? Also, does Roman sleep in his own room? And does he fall asleep during the night time feeding? Or do you put him back in bed drowsy? (As you might guess, I am trying to figure out the feeding and…
Eight-Month-Old Roman James
The months are flying by now. It feels like I just did our seven-month post, and here we are at eight. I suppose that’s how it goes. Sigh. There are two big changes of late and they both begin with the letter A — activity…
Seven-Month-Old Roman James
What a difference a month makes! The differences in Roman’s abilities from six-months to seven-months have been the most profound yet. On December 1st, he started sitting up on his own. On December 7th, he started pushing himself up into a “crawl” position. And the…
Six-Month-Old Roman James
“Promise me you’ll always remember: you are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –Christopher Robin to Pooh Bear My baby boy is six-months-old. We are halfway to a year. It’s crazy & it’s beautiful. The past month…
Five-Month-Old Roman James
On Monday, my sweet boy turned five-months-old. It’s pretty extraordinary. In life, I’ve always found that there are days & hours that go slow but that the months & years always fly by. Never has this been more true than since I have become a…
Four-Month-Old Roman James
Yesterday my sweet boy turned four-months-old. He is a little cherub. I hear him let out a little sigh in the morning and I know that he’s awake. Tired though I may be, I am so excited to get out of bed, walk to his…