Batman Birthday Party // Roman James is 5!
Last week was a week of celebration in honor of my sweet Roman James turning 5 years old! Five has always been a big deal in my mind. It is that true transition age from baby to child. Perhaps it is the knowledge that this is the year he will start kindergarten, but whatever it is, it’s had me feeling all sorts of ways. Instead of feeling sad about this milestone I instead focused on all of the ways that we could celebrate it.
This year was the first year that Roman really, truly picked his own party theme, and to no one’s surprise, he chose Batman. He and I had a lot of fun creating a little Batman Party Pinterest board and pinning up some fun ideas for his special day. We invited his cousins and a few friends from his preschool class over to our house to celebrate & they had a blast. We even had a special visit from the man himself.
It ended up raining all day on the day of the party, I had to scramble to rearrange the plans to work indoors. Entertaining a bunch of five-year-olds inside for a few hours isn’t the easiest. Gratefully my best friend was on hand to help me organize every indoor game we could think of from hot potato, to freeze dancing, to “Batman (Simon) Says.” She also had the great idea of picking up a Batman back drop and some paper batman masks to create a homemade game of “Pin the Mask on the Superhero” which the kids loved.
It was a fun day and Roman hasn’t stopped talking about it since then, so I consider it a success. Happy Birthday, Roman James. Mama loves you to the moon & back always & always & always.
Comments (2)
May 15, 2018 at 7:27 pm
Aw bless all those lil boys in their batman masks ❤️ Beautiful. Glad Roman had a great bday. Well done 👍🏻
May 15, 2018 at 7:29 pm
Thank you so much, love. It was a lot of fun & they really were the sweetest in their little masks! ❤️