Just Right Reader Book Subscription Kits
Reading has been a lifelong love affair for me. I am so grateful that my little ones share my love for reading and are great readers themselves. When I was a new mom, I read that reading to children every night would make a huge positive difference in their ability to read when it came time. I don’t know how universal that statement is, but in our case it certainly proved true. I have read to them daily since they were toddlers and when kindergarten came they both proved to be amazing readers right away.
Sharing books with my little ones over the years has been an immeasurable blessing. Whether reading to them or watching them read themselves, the experience fills my heart with so much joy.
When the pandemic hit, I knew that so many areas of my childrens lives would be impacted. One of the things that I wanted to make certain was that their love for reading and their reading skills did not suffer. I found some creative ways to make sure that they continued to read daily–frequent trips to the library, reading apps for their iPads, and setting rewards for reaching daily reading goals. All of these things worked well, but I was so excited when I was approached about trying out the Just Right Reader subscription service.
Just Right Reader is a subscription service that delivers books to family’s doorstep that are at the precise reading level to help children advance their skills. Just Right Reader kits include 5-7 books, supporting fun activities and accessories and tips for parents to support them teaching their children to read. Marina and I have just loved exploring her kits together.
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, fewer than 40% of kids are proficient or advanced in reading. And that was before the pandemic interrupted learning. In the 2019-2020 school year, the average child made about two-thirds of the reading gains they would have made in a normal school year, according to a study published in Educational Researcher. Former principal, reading and writing education expert and mom Sara Rich, witnessed her own daughter struggling with reading and created a solution, Just Right Reader.
Just Right Reader boxes are available for children pre-kindergarten through third grade. The reading levels of Just Right Reader books are rated based on the Fountas & Pinnell reading levels and books are available through level N. Just Right Reader books are not the type of books that parents are able to find in a local bookstore, big box store or an online marketplace. They are books that are written specifically to teach children how to read and are usually only available in schools. And each book selected for a box is tailored to a child’s specific needs.
In addition to subscription reading boxes, Just Right Reader also helps students excel and thrive through virtual reading and writing camps, book clubs, publishing camps, one-on-one tutoring sessions and personalized virtual classes. Just Right Reader virtual classes are limited to a maximum of five children and include a weekly one-on-one with a reading teacher. Through the virtual classes, children not only learn reading skills they also for communities of readers and make new friends from around the country.
“While the normal education system has experienced massive upheaval this year, kids are still making amazing strides remotely when they have the right support system and access to teachers,” said Sara Rich, Founder of Just Right Reader. “The average student using our box is growing 1.5 reading levels over two months, and in the classes, they are jumping reading levels growing sometimes 2 – 3 reading levels in a month. Our teachers are amazing and if it weren’t a pandemic year, they would be flying around the country training teachers.”
Subscriptions for Just Right Reader boxes are available month-to-month or for 6 or 12 months. Participating in Just Right Reader is very easy. Parents just select a subscription package and provide information on their child. If parents are unsure of their child’s reading level, virtual reading assessments are available with a teacher. Once the Just Right Reader box arrives, children read and then reread the books, complete the activities, send the books back once that reading level is mastered and then do it again.
For more information and to sign up for a subscription, visit: https://justrightreader.com. My readers can receive 20% off right now by using the code LIVELOVE20. Happy reading, sweet friends! xo