5 Natural Remedies for Anxiety
If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, then you know that anxiety is a topic that has been near to my heart forever. It’s something that I have struggled with as far back as I can remember. Overcoming the anxiety that once debilitated my life and continuing to manage it to this day, is one of my life’s greatest victories. I have been blogging for over a decade now, and how to manage anxiety is still the #1 question that I receive from my readers. I will continue to share thoughts and advice on this important topic for as long as I can.
Today I want to share 5 natural remedies for anxiety for those that are seeking alternatives to some of the mainstream treatment approaches.
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses worldwide. In the U.S., roughly 40 million people are affected to some degree. Thankfully, there are many different treatment options, and not all of them require medication.
Whether you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorders, or phobias, there are good, natural options you can try before involving pharmaceuticals. This article shares information on five of the most effective. If you find one that works for you, use it regularly and consistently to dramatically improve the quality of your life.
What’s your exercise of choice? Are you a runner? Do you like to lift? Maybe yoga is your passion. However you choose to work your muscles and get your heart pumping, creating a regular workout practice can do wonders for your anxiety.
Science has shown that exercise is an effective way to increase mental clarity and overall cognitive function while reducing stress. Just 10 minutes of brisk walking can reduce anxiety symptoms for several hours, and a regular exercise regimen can provide lasting relief.
It’s not yet clear why exercise is so effective at reducing anxiety, but one common explanation holds that physical activity activates the central nervous system and provides a cathartic release that might otherwise channel itself into anxious thoughts. It also reduces stress effects that can exacerbate existing anxiety.
Exercise turns out to be protective as well. One study found that individuals that regularly engage in vigorous exercise are 25% less likely to develop an anxiety disorder than a control group. Whether you’re currently suffering or you’re at risk, creating an exercise regimen that you can stick with can make a real difference.
Meditation has been used for thousands of years to help still the mind and calm disruptive thoughts. In the modern world, it’s an effective way to treat anxiety disorders.
There are many different ways to meditate. Most involve sitting comfortably with the eyes closed, but others, like Tai Chi, use slow, intentional body movements to focus the practitioner’s attention and clear the mind.
Anxious thoughts tend to feed on themselves. They create self-reinforcing worry spirals that turn a single anxious thought into a torrent of self-destructive anxiety.
Meditation can interrupt this process. Practitioners learn to identify less with their thoughts. Instead of giving them power, meditators allow them to drift into the mind and back out without engaging. Practitioners become skilled at releasing anxious thoughts instead of falling victim to them. Paired with exercise, meditation can play an essential role in your mental health.
Healthy Diet/Adequate Hydration
We all know that we are what we eat. It turns out that this applies to our minds as well as our bodies. Brain health translates directly to our mental health. When our brains are stressed, our mood and thoughts can be negatively affected.
A healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains and other complex carbohydrates gives the body the raw materials it needs to keep us healthy.
Concerning specific foods, science has found that complex carbohydrates help increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that lets neurons communicate with each other. When the brain has the serotonin it needs, it’s better able to regulate anxiety and reduce depression symptoms. Fish like salmon that are high in omega-3 fatty
acids can also have a protective effect.
Additionally, the brain is 73% water, floating in a liquid bath. When we are dehydrated, it doesn’t take long for the water loss to affect our mood, attention, and concentration. Staying properly hydrated can help with mental balance, particularly if you’re exercising frequently.
CBD and Kratom
There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of CBD. It’s become quite popular as a treatment for several ailments, including depression and anxiety. Even though it’s derived from the cannabis plant, it has no psychoactive properties (it can’t get you high) and doesn’t have known side effects. It promotes a calm, level mood that’s more resilient to anxiety triggers.
Kratom is less well-known than CBD, but it’s quickly gaining a loyal following. As opposed to CBD, which is a plant extract, kratom is composed of finely ground, dried leaves. This potent medicinal preparation is harvested from the tropical tree Mitragyna speciosa found primarily in Southeast Asia.
For anxiety sufferers, lighter doses are preferable. Users commonly experience an enjoyable euphoria, like a bright cup of coffee, coupled with mood enhancement, increased clarity, and reduced anxiety. Both CBD and Kratom have no psychoactive effects, making them an excellent choice for reducing anxiety.
Kratom is available in several different strains, some of which are better for anxiety than others. Common Kratom strains include Indo, Red Borneo, Maeng Da, and Green Vein Malay.
Both CBD and kratom are natural, legal substances that can be purchased online or at specialty shops like Phytoextractum. They both work well as an isolated treatment for anxiety as well as a complement to other interventions.
Aromas can have a strong psychological effect. To promote calm, select scents known to have anti-anxiety properties or simply choose aromas that you find pleasing.
Essential oils can be harsh on the skin, so you need to dilute them in a carrier oil like sweet almond oil to apply them directly. You can use the resulting mixture as a massage oil. You can also place dots around your body to surround yourself with a given aroma.
Alternatively, you can use a diffuser to spread the scent throughout your home or add a few drops into a warm bath. You generally don’t need a lot to create a room-filling aroma.
A few essential oils known for reducing anxiety include:
● Bergamot
● Cedarwood
● Chamomile
● Geranium
● Frankincense
● Mandarin
● Marjoram
● Neroli
● Sandalwood
● Ylang Ylang
Anxiety is treatable, but not every intervention works for every person. Try everything on this list. You’ll likely find that one, all, or some combination works well for you. Once you find a natural treatment protocol that works, use it regularly, and you should find lasting relief.