GiT Thursday — 08.05.10
Introducing: GiT (Give it Thanks) Thursday: My weekly list of gratitude for the huge & the tiny things that I am thankful for.
The sea. I am convinced that I was a mermaid in my past life. As a toddler, I was thrown into the swimming pool to sink or swim. I swam. People are always amazed to see me swim or tread water for hours on end without exhaustion. The truth is, being in the water feels far more natural to me than being on land. The sea is my sweet surrender. It calls to me when I am away. My favourite thing about summertime is visiting the ocean & spending time near the sea.
Crystal moon. Denver, Colorado is a treasure trove for finding lovely, little trinkets. Last June, I carried home a crystal moon that now hangs from my rear view mirror. During each morning commute, the crystal catches sunlight & throws prismatic, rainbow beams across my Jeep.
Trip planning. Oh, heart. There is nothing I love more than exploring new places. Planning my explorations is often just as fun the actual exploring! I am currently plotting an autumn trip to Paris & it’s making me shudder with excitement. (If you live in or near Paris & want to meet up/give me a tour, do let me know.)
Baby Brian. My nephew is the sweetest little boy this side of heaven. No, really, he is. I really must devote a full post to his saccharine sweetness sometime soon so that the rest of the world can swoon with me.
Summertime. Northeastern winters are the hardest. Being a Jersey girl born & raised, I’ve seen my fair share of blizzards, ice storms, and “Nor’easters”. Throughout those icy months I dream of sweet summertime, sunshine, humidity, & sexy beads of sweat. It’s August & I know that autumn is just around the corner, but I am taking full advantage of every day of warmth that’s left.
Mika. Mika is my cat. She has bright, icy blue eyes. She is grey/white with a dark, ringed tail like a raccoon. Mika means “raccoon” in Sioux. She is both the sweetest & the most mischievous little girl that I’ve ever known! She loves me like heck one minute & then raises hell in the next. I wish she would stop bringing me presents—chipmunks, moles, sparrows, blue jays, snakes, and so on—but she is a tremendous little hunting tigress. And I don’t mind her keeping the mice out of the house.
Itty Bits…
I am also thankful for: the gigantic cucumbers & the ridiculously delicious tomatoes from our garden; finding new blogs to fall head over heels in love with; scoring a babysitting job on Saturday night—cash(!); Emma’s 3rd birthday party this weekend; date with my bestie tonight; & plotting/planning/recharging my 2010 goals.
Comments (9)
Dena Botbyl
August 5, 2010 at 3:27 pm
evolution you | GiT Thursday — 08.05.10
Dena Botbyl
August 5, 2010 at 3:28 pm
[NEW POST!] What are you grateful for this week? "GiT Thursday — 08.05.10" | evolution you
Dena Botbyl
August 5, 2010 at 3:30 pm
GiT Thursday—08.05.10 :: What are you grateful for this week?
August 5, 2010 at 3:59 pm
I forgot to mention one more thing that I am SO grateful for: PROP 8 OVERTURNED!!!! 🙂
August 5, 2010 at 5:33 pm
I am thankful today for my Mom..healthy and vibrant, wise and pretty, strong and courageous, my best friend –who turned 72 today
August 6, 2010 at 10:00 am
@Cindy — Thank you so much for your comment & Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mom! Many more. xo
Dena Botbyl
August 5, 2010 at 7:12 pm
[NEW FEATURE!] evolution you | GiT Thursday — 08.05.10
Dena Botbyl
August 6, 2010 at 1:17 am
[NEW FEATURE] evolution you | GiT Thursday — 08.05.10
Dena Botbyl
August 7, 2010 at 1:26 am
GiT—08.05.10 :: What are you grateful for this week?