in the garden // mid-august
This past month, the garden has provided us with bounty after bounty. We’ve spent hours in the sun caring and tending. We’ve spent beautiful evenings gathering & harvesting. We eat dinner from the garden at least five days each week and many lunches, too.
On top of the bounty, there is the beauty. We’ve spent countless hours just walking around the yard and enjoying the splendor. Birds of all shapes & sizes have been around picking up the seeds that are beginning to fall from the flowers. We have a set of hummingbirds that visits multiple times each day to draw the sweetness from the blossoms. (Aren’t hummingbirds just the most magical little creatures?) The flowers are visited as long as the sun is shining by bees & butterflies.
The garden provides for us endlessly — in nutrition, in occupation, and in beauty.
It’s just incredible to me to look back at some of my early posts from the spring and to see how the garden has come along. You see the progress from seedling to present at these links:
It’s humbling to witness the blossoming of our dream garden. We’ve learned a lot this year and have many changes to implement in the future. Mostly, however, it’s been a dream come true. Isn’t nature wonderful?
Comments (2)
August 24, 2015 at 7:54 am
Yes, nature truly is wonderful! Beautiful garden, thanks for sharing such lovely images. I hope and dream of a garden like this one day! I don’t care if my house is a hut…I just dream of some land like this 🙂
August 31, 2015 at 4:25 pm
We are so blessed to live where we do and to have such a lovely yard. It’s the most beautiful thing, really. I hope that you get the land of your dreams someday, too. <3