Here are a few shots from around the garden. These are only a week old and everything has changed so much already. The only thing that grows more quickly than my children is my garden! We’ve had several delicious harvests thus far — beats, spinach, sugar snap peas, golden cherry tomatoes, romaine lettuce, and cucumber. It won’t be long until we’re bringing in squash, carrots, strawberries, and eggplant. We’ve also recently started some of the seedlings for the fall crop — winter squash and pumpkin.
This time of year is just so good, isn’t it? xo
Comments (2)
July 1, 2015 at 12:04 pm
These photos are so beautiful I love that Roman is playing in his little pool all around the garden, so great he gets to grow up in that atmosphere 🙂
July 2, 2015 at 12:37 pm
Still in love with your garden! Beautiful! 😀