Hello, sweet friends! So I’ve been promising a big announcement here for awhile and today is the day. You know that we have been expanding our tiny homestead here & I’m so excited to share that today we are launching our new family farm store: Faith & Grace Farm! We are proud to be offering our fresh, homemade artisanal goods, cage-free organic chicken eggs, and local organic honey for sale…
Marina Grace in the Garden
“The question is not, — how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education — but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room in which he finds…
Our First Honey Harvest
Last week we took our first harvest of honey. What an adventure it has been, a lifetime in the making. I’ve shared before that J. and I each came into our relationship with a dream of keeping honeybees one day. It was quite a surprise…
summer in our gardens…
Here we are, friends, it’s the middle of July. Summer is here in all of its glory. I snapped these photographs around our yard on the first of the month. So much has already changed out there. We have so many vegetables on the vines…
in the garden // mid-august
This past month, the garden has provided us with bounty after bounty. We’ve spent hours in the sun caring and tending. We’ve spent beautiful evenings gathering & harvesting. We eat dinner from the garden at least five days each week and many lunches, too. On…
in the garden // late july
Late July brings bounty & beauty to our garden. These are my favorite photographs from the garden yet. I could just sit and stare at them all day. They capture the plant life out there so beautifully. What I didn’t capture is the animal life!…
in the garden // early summer
Here are a few shots from around the garden. These are only a week old and everything has changed so much already. The only thing that grows more quickly than my children is my garden! We’ve had several delicious harvests thus far — beats, spinach,…
Our Gardens in June
It’s been nearly a month since my last garden post, so it’s time for an update and some progress shots. We had a big spinach harvest two weeks ago and a big romaine harvest last week. Both were delicious. It’s quickly become obvious that if…
Our Yard & Gardens in May // Part 2
Welcome to part two of Our Yard & Gardens in May. As I mentioned in part one, there’s so much blooming out there right now that I had to make two posts to cover it all. In this post, I’ll talk about what we’ve got…