late june walk // a little life update
Hello, friends! Yes, I’m still alive. I know it’s been super quiet around here. That is because it’s been anything but quiet here at home. There’s not much to say about it. We’re coming up on three and a half months of chaos. We haven’t figured out what is wrong with Marina, or even if there is anything wrong with her. To put it simply, she requires constant, complete attention or she screams. Other than that, however, she’s just fine. So… there’s that.
On Sunday, M. and I had our first date, without kids in tow, in over two years. Great food, strong beer, equals happy parents. It was so nice and we’re determined to make it happen more often.
The garden has been doing really well and we’ve already had a few delicious harvests. More on that tomorrow.
Other than that, our days have been fairly simple. We do a lot of playing, toddler homeschooling, and a ton of infant soothing. One day soon, I’m sure I’ll have the heart to write through some of the details, but right now it’s too much of an “open” wound.
We’re heading on a seaside vacation in two weeks and I’m so excited (and a bit nervous) about that.
The weather was gorgeous yesterday so I took the little ones out for a long walk down by my parent’s house. Here are a few snaps that I took along the way — not an easy feat, considering that Marina Grace screamed every. single. time. I stopped the stroller. 😉
I hope that you are doing well and that your summer has been off to a beautiful start. xo
Comments (3)
June 30, 2015 at 12:38 pm
Such lovely photos as usual, Dena! They bring me back to the days when my littles were younger. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re still having such a rough time with Marina. It just sounds like SUCH a dark and hard time and pulls at my heart. I know that you are thankful and grateful for the beauty admits the chaos but I’m sure it is so very tough. Keep up the good, hard work Mama. Love to you.
June 30, 2015 at 1:41 pm
Ahhhh these photos are so great. Roman looks SO grown up and Marina looks totally different every time I see photos of her. I’m glad you guys got a date night, that is so so sSOO important, especially for you too with your newest addition to the family 😉 You sound kind of like things haven’t gotten better, just you’ve gotten more used to it. I hope things improve soon. Loving your optimistic attitude and that you guys are getting outside!!!
June 30, 2015 at 2:39 pm
Dear Dena,
It’s been years since I first read your blog yet I still remember you.
Back in the day, I felt a lot of pain and I was depressed and hurting a lot. I was reading a lot of books yet I couldn’t figure out why I was hurting so much. Why I was suffering. Why I was having panic attacks. And as I said, I read a lot of self-help books like Louise Hay but it only helped on the surface.
Not only I read what you wrote on your blog on conscious evolution that I finally figured out how to heal. It wasn’t until I read your story and how you explained CBT better than any expert or any self-help guru did I feel any progress in my life.
I don’t know how but reading how you explained CBT and depression and shared your story and vulnerability that it just started working for me. That was when the real shift happened and I started to get better and I started learning and healing – it was because of you, and your work and your courage that it genuinely made an impact on my life.
Years have gone by and I did a lot of work yet I still recall where it all came from. So I wanted to say thank you Dena for writing that CBT post back then and for helping me change my life. I really mean it because I felt no healing happen before I read your post
I want to tell you that I still remember that – I still remember the first person who taught me how to heal and how to love myself, and it was you, so thank you for that long time ago, Dena. You gave me the most wonderful gift that taught me how to actually start healing myself.
That’s what I want you to remember, how what you did long time ago genuinely helped someone else actually transform their life. And I wish you all the best with your family and I hope you’re happy. I don’t know what else to say, I just wanted to express my gratitude for lesson on healing I learned from a long time ago.