// autumn

One Thing At a Time

DenaSeptember 18, 2017 // autumn // autumn // autumn

Recently I was standing in the shower, thoughts racing through my mind. I was anxious and overwhelmed, as had become my typical state this past year. Somewhere along the lines, in the craziness of this transitional time in my life, I completely forgot about mindfulness. A lesson that I had once known so well — presence — in the wildness of a difficult transition, it had escaped me.

I’m not sure why it hit me, standing there in the shower, but gratefully it did. I can’t remember exactly what I was worrying about. The kids, bills, delivering client sessions, work…? Who knows. But I was worrying, I know that much, when suddenly the little voice in the back of my mind — the true voice, the one that is all-knowing, always there, the silence and the wisdom between the thoughts — it spoke up.

It said: S T O P .

It said: B E – H E R E – N O W .

It said: O N E – T H I N G – A T – A – T I M E .

And so, I’ve been doing it. I am unraveling the cycle of chaos that has planted deep roots inside of my brain. Pulling out the negative, harmful thoughts that have been growing there and replacing them with positivity and love. But mostly, just doing one thing at a time. When I am in the shower, I shower. When I am washing the dishes, I wash. When I am driving, I drive. When I am in bed sleeping, I sleep.

Surely it sounds simple enough, but turning off that chaos machine inside of my mind is no simple task at all. Still, I am doing it. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute — I am doing it. I am fighting and clawing and climbing my way out of darkness. I am returning to the space of light that I once knew a long time ago. I am getting back to that place.

I took these photographs a couple of weeks ago. At that time, the leaves were just starting to change and the berries were just starting to fatten on the bushes. There’s already been so much change in nature since I snapped these. Another couple of weeks and the glory of the full autumn blaze will be upon us. // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn // autumn

Happy Monday, friends! Get up. Show up. Do work. Be good. Make magic. One thing at a time…

Comments (3)

  • BuzzCut

    September 19, 2017 at 12:16 pm

    We share some of the same photo subjects! Nice reminder about being present in the now.

    1. Dena

      September 19, 2017 at 12:29 pm

      Thanks, Karyn! I look forward to checking out your photography. ❤️

      1. BuzzCut

        September 19, 2017 at 12:31 pm

        Well, there’s some but I usually pull one from my “album” to use – I just saw we had some similar flowers/weeds & such 😉

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