our hospital bag

DenaApril 19, 2013

“They” say you should have your hospital bag packed at 35 weeks. And since I am 36.5, I thought I’d better get on that. It’s just about ready to go save for a few last-minute things that I’ll throw in when the time comes. I found several lists of things that you’ll need but I’m sticking with the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) approach this time around. That has served me well in recent years when it comes to packing. Not everything that I am bringing is featured in my photographs, but here are a few of the things we’ll have along with us for the journey.

For me, I am bringing two nursing bras; one nursing camisole; a pair of maternity yoga pants; and my bebe au lait nursing cover. I’ll also have on hand my iphone for photos + music; a pen + pad (for memory-taking, ha!); and my dslr (which hopefully Matthew will remember to use).

For baby, the main thing we have to bring for him is his “going home” outfit. I am told that the hospital will provide us with everything else that we’ll need for him during our stay. I’ve packed onesies in two sizes. If he is as big as his daddy was when he was born (9+ pounds), we might need the bigger one. I’ve also packed him a zip-up hoodie, a pair of sweat pants, socks, sneakers, + a little hat. Seriously, how cute are the sneakers, though? I can’t even…

Finally, everything goes into our diaper bag which I just got yesterday and am kind of in love with. It’s Jeep brand and it’s super-practical for a whole host of reasons. It’s also masculine, which my husband will appreciate eventually. (Whether he realizes it yet or not… Mwahaha.)

Okay, for the mamas + dadas out there that have been there, done that — what am I missing?

Comments (4)

  • amy

    April 19, 2013 at 7:31 pm

    i love your diaper bag! gorgeous.
    & those shoes. eek! so cute.

    how long do you stay in hospital over there? is it in and out, or overnight?
    i would take warm socks for you!! and some nice moisturiser (not too smelly), also something warm to put on as it can get cold in there once you get used to the temperature.

    i would take another hat for baby boy, as you will probably put one on him straight away – so if gets a bit dirty sometimes & you will want to put him in one all snug to take him home. 🙂

    it all depends how long you stay in, i guess. 🙂

    1. denabotbyl

      April 24, 2013 at 9:41 am

      oh, these are such great suggestions! thank you, love. i will have to remember the moisturiser and the warm socks for certain. 🙂

      as for the stay, typically it is an overnight stay; unless you have a c-section, then it could stretch out to a few days. here’s to hoping that it’s in + out for us! right around the corner now!! can’t believe it! <3

  • Lou Mello

    April 20, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    Looks like a great start to a wonderful adventure. As an update, my daughter had her baby girl last Friday, C-section as planned, all good and everyone fine. Whew!!

    1. denabotbyl

      April 24, 2013 at 9:42 am

      Congratulations, Lou!! I did not realize that she was born. How incredibly exciting!! That is such wonderful news. Oh, I bet she is just a little angel. I am so happy for you and your family. Here’s to your beautiful, new baby granddaughter. xoxo

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