
DenaApril 14, 2014

Express yourself completely,
then keep quiet.
Be like the forces of nature:
when it blows, there is only wind;
when it rains, there is only rain;
when the clouds pass, the sun shines through.

These words come from the Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese text fundamental to Taoism, and strongly influential to other philosophies, such as Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism. It is one the most translated works of literature of all time.

I read the Tao Te Ching over & over again — each time, learning something new and seeing the world in a new way. The passage at the top of this post comes from the twenty-third verse of the text. When I think about the word — rain — I think about this passage. Throughout the text, there are reminders that we should try to be like nature. I don’t mean this in a hippy, tree-hugger way. Rather, it is truly practical.

The past six months has arguably been one of the hardest times of my life. I have felt sadness, loneliness and desperation in ways that I never thought that I would feel again. I thought that I had come past it — but I was wrong. Sometimes life hands you difficulties when you’re not expecting them. In my case, the greatest joy that I have ever known (the love for my son, Roman James) has been accompanied by some of the greatest pain that I have ever known (in other areas of my life).

The difference between the pain that I am living through now and the pain that I lived through years ago lies in the way that I am handling it. Or to say it in another way, the difference is what I know now that I didn’t know then. And what I know now is that this too shall pass.

I have learned that acceptance is always better than resistance. Whatever pain I am going through — I accept. When it blows, there is only wind. Whatever challenges present themselves — I accept. When it rains, there is only rain. Eventually, the trials will end and peace will come into my life again. When the clouds pass, the sun shines through.

There is no need to dwell on pain. It is best to say what we mean, share what is in our hearts and then move forward. Express yourself completely, then keep quiet. As I always like to say, let go & let God.

This is the way of The Tao. It serves me well. April is often known as a rainy month that nourishes the earth in preparation for the glory of spring. April showers bring May flowers. I hope that this year’s April rains are cleansing and that they bring peace into all of the hearts that need it.

Comments (4)

  • Gillian

    April 14, 2014 at 7:03 pm

    Love this post, of course. It has been interesting to see you mention your struggles over this past winter, because I too have been suffering in my own way as well! I have no idea what you have been dealing with, but thanks for sharing words of deeper truth here and there like you have. It can be especially easy to look at other blogs and see how beautiful and wonderful their lives look without realizing the struggles that lie beneath. I love that you give realness to your presence on your blog – both your light and dark are both presented so beautifully and passionately. Keep it up girl. And those water droplets in the photo – completely awesome!!

    1. Dena

      April 15, 2014 at 11:37 am

      Thank you for letting me know that I’m not alone, Gillian. <3


  • Christina

    April 15, 2014 at 9:43 am

    Thanks for sharing. I love these words and there’s so much to be taken from them. I hope the rain passes soon. 😉

    1. Dena

      April 15, 2014 at 11:38 am

      Thanks, Christina! <3

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