Roman James Turns 3!
If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, then you know that parties are usually a pretty big thing around here. My babies’ birthday parties in particular have always been special affairs created with tons of details and handmade projects. (See here, here, and here.) However, their birthdays are fairly close together (March 20th and May 7th), and after Marina’s epic Pink and Gold Princess Birthday Party, I was all party-planned out.
So I let Roman’s Papa take over all of the party-planning duties for Roman’s third birthday party — and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. I have to say, he did an amazing job. He and Roman decided on a “Transformers” theme and everything turned out adorable. Roman loved it and he had a wonderful day celebrating with his favorite people in the world, his cousins.
I know that this is probably the most cliché thing in the world to say, but I really cannot believe that Roman is 3. It really does seem like just yesterday when we were bringing him home from the hospital in his tiny little newborn outfit that I had so carefully picked out and packed up in the weeks before his birth. And now he is a full-fledged little boy. He is truly the most remarkable person that I know. He is sweet and funny and — my goodness — he is so incredibly smart. He is gifted and talented and wild and loving.
I really do not have words to express my love for him. He is my sunshine and my best friend. He is my greatest blessing and I thank God for him every day.
I hope you had the best birthday ever, Roman. I hope that you have one hundred more and that each one gets better & better!
Comments (1)
July 11, 2016 at 8:42 pm
Aw, he’s so big and so handsome! He sounds like the sweetest boy, ever 🙂 And can I please give party planning responsibilities to my husband? Wait, nope! I’m way too damn controlling for that AND I think I’d be pretty mortified with the outcome. But you know what? At the same time, I’m so curious right now over what the heck he’d put together. MAYBE….maybe….I’ll do it. I lucked out having the girls birthdays being 11 days apart…one party, baby. Happy belated birthday, Roman! Love watching him grow up 🙂