
  • pumpkin picking //

    Roman James @ Two Years & Five Months

    Dena October 30, 2015

    It’s been entirely too long since I’ve made an update about my sweet boy. Although I won’t be blogging too often for awhile, I really wanted to get this update in because I haven’t made a “Roman Update” since before Marina was born! So much has changed since my last one that I could never fill in all of the pieces, so I’ll just pick up where we are now.…

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  • Roman James @ 17 Months

    Dena October 6, 2014

    A lot has happened since last time. I’ll never remember all of it, so I’m just going to pick up with where we are now. Growth & Appearance: You’re huge. Lifting you and carrying you have become downright painful. You are 28 pounds of solid…

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  • Roman James @ 14 Months

    Dena June 26, 2014

    Now that we’ve passed the one-year mark, baby updates will be a bit random (i.e. whenever I have time and remember). I like the format that Ashley uses for her toddler updates, so I am going to follow suit. Technically, he’ll be 14 months on…

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  • Baby’s Been…

    Dena April 24, 2014

    This is my eleventh edition of Baby’s Been. Next month we will have run out of months and started counting the years. I’m not certain about how I’ll be handling these updates going forward but I’m fairly sure that they’ll be a lot more casual.…

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  • Baby’s Been…

    Dena March 25, 2014

    Our 10.5 month update is a lot like our last one with a few additions. Within the past week, Roman has started to stand without assistance for a few seconds at a time. The longest stretch so far has been about ten seconds. It’s a…

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  • 10/52

    Dena March 8, 2014

    The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, for one year. 10/52 — “Helping” his Papa during a late afternoon workout. The setting sun making a perfect frame around his sweet head.

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  • Questions on Eating & Sleeping

    Dena March 2, 2014

    How did you introduce solids? Also, does Roman sleep in his own room? And does he fall asleep during the night time feeding? Or do you put him back in bed drowsy? (As you might guess, I am trying to figure out the feeding and…

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  • 9/52

    Dena March 1, 2014

    The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, for one year. 9/52 — Here he is, pleased as punch to be celebrating his big cousin’s 5th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. Lord, does this boy make me smile.…

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  • Baby’s Been…

    Dena February 25, 2014

    Last week, we had Roman’s nine-month checkup. He is 31 inches tall (above the 95th percentile) and 22.5 pounds (in the 75th percentile). The doctor gave him a thorough check and he’s right on track as far as development goes. Bath time is his new…

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