I am completely connected with the earth–my energy is directly connected with its energy. When I step outside, into nature, I feel the most alive. The air takes on a life of its own amidst the magic of each season. In spring, the sweet smell of blossoming flowers is pure beauty. As I get older, I realize how fleeting the seasons are. I await the spring blossom season with so…
letting go
Family Camping // Labor Day Weekend 2015
We spent Labor Day weekend camping with my sister and her family. This is our second year camping at this campground. (You can see last year’s trip here and my tips for camping with toddlers here.) Last year’s trip was amazing — one of our…
Do what you can with what you’ve got.
Sometimes Most times, life doesn’t pan out exactly as we plan it. Stuff happens. The dog gets sick. A tire blows out on the way there. Your flight gets cancelled. Your hair turns shockingly pink instead of golden blonde. The band never shows up. You…
Letting Go of the Past: Forgiveness
Last week, I finished listening to Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. It had been on my “to-read” list for years, when by a stroke of fate a dear friend offered to lend me her audio copy. I plan to do a full review of…