When my children look back on their childhood, my greatest hope is that they will remember the magic that I have worked so hard to create for them. “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.” “For all the things my…
Marina Grace
My Little Sugar Plum Fairy // Goodbye Christmas Tree
I took our Christmas tree down on Sunday. I knew it would be difficult. If you’ve ever done it, you know that it’s a “pain-in-the-ass” task. What I wasn’t expecting, however, was how emotionally difficult it would be. Aside from the usual magic of a…
Marina Grace @ 18 Months Old
Growth & Appearance: You are about six months overdue for a well-visit. Just keeping it real. There are a lot of reasons for this. The two primary reasons are that 1. I don’t like the way that the pediatricians make me feel when I tell…
Pink & Gold Princess Party // Marina Grace Turns One!
On March 20th, 2016 my sweet girl turned one-year-old. We celebrated the day before with a great big pink and gold princess birthday party. It was such a fun and beautiful day. Our family and closest friends were with us to celebrate. We had great…
Six-Month-Old Marina Grace
This month, we celebrated Marina’s half birthday. Some moments, I think, “Six months already?” and other times it feels like she’s been with us for an eternity. But that’s life. The days drag yet the year’s fly by. This month started out like many others,…
Four-Month-Old Marina Grace
Marina Grace is four-months-old. She recently rolled over from her back to her belly. She’s been trying for awhile, but her arm always gets in the way. She hasn’t done it again since, but she’s getting close and growing stronger every day. Her favorite thing…
marina grace in june
We’re just days away from three-months now. Yesterday marked one week since she started reflux medication. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much (if any) change in her “colic.” It’s been an exceptionally difficult few days, but I don’t have the heart to write about it now.…