


    Dena March 1, 2014

    The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, for one year. 9/52 — Here he is, pleased as punch to be celebrating his big cousin’s 5th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. Lord, does this boy make me smile. I’ve had a hard week, a really hard week, but no matter how difficult it gets, Roman puts a smile on my face. Before I…

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  • 8/52

    Dena February 22, 2014

    The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, once a week, every week for one year. 8/52 – Bath time is quickly becoming a favourite time around here. Gone are the days of my tiny little baby’s eyes opening wide with confusion as…

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  • 7/52

    Dena February 15, 2014

    The 52 Week Project – A portrait of my son, every week for one year. 7/52 – This week, Roman has been trying like heck to stand without holding onto something. He’s using all of his little might and he’s so close. Watching his determination…

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