Hello, sweet friends! Happy Spring! It’s been quiet around here, even more so than usual. After having a tremendous December and January, life got a bit sticky again in February and March. I can chalk it up to a lot of things, but mostly just life with 18-month-old twins, 3 elementary-aged children, a high-schooler, and a husband in end-stage renal failure. Oh, and I started a new job in February,…
What You Really Need for Newborn Twins
Like everything else that I have tried to do since the twins were born, this post took me way longer than I had planned. I initially started writing this for a friend who was pregnant with twins. I wanted to give her a succinct list…
“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” // Prenatal Depression: Winter 2020/2021
It was the strangest thing, finding out that I was pregnant again after all of these years. It was difficult to believe. There was this part of me, deep inside, that always felt like I would have one more baby. With each month that passed,…