january day // livelovesimple.com

This Week // 01.23.15

DenaJanuary 23, 2015


january day // livelovesimple.com

Lately each week seems to move faster than the one before it. Maybe it’s because there’s so much that I want to get done before baby girl arrives. Our days can be monotonous this time of year — extreme cold and bad weather can do that — but they’re filled with a lot of love & learning, too. And for that, I am deeply grateful. Every day I learn more about the woman, wife, and mother that I want to be. Life is always whispering lessons to us, if only we choose to open our ears hearts and listen.


I can hardly believe it, but I finally had my first (and second) visit to the chiropractor this week. I put all of my excuses and nerves to the side, made the appointment, and went. The chiropractor that I’ve chosen came highly recommended to me from dozens of women who have used her for prenatal care. I could go on and on about her accolades, but suffice to say that I feel blessed to have this particular chiropractor just a short drive from my house.

My first appointment was a couple of days ago and my second was today. She’s leaving for a trip next week and wants to get several adjustments in before then. I haven’t felt any major change so far, but my fingers and toes are crossed. The pain in my lower back by day’s end and in my hips while sleeping has become intense. I’m hopeful that some relief is on the way.

I am still taking iron pills for my pregnancy anemia and unfortunately they cause me a bit of nausea. I believe that they are important, though, because one morning I didn’t take my pill and felt quite dizzy right away.

It’s been becoming more and more “real” to me that baby girl is on her way. We drove past the hospital where I delivered Roman and plan to deliver again the other day and it was like a jolt to my system. I flashed back to the night of Roman’s birth and began to imagine what round two will be like. It’s so exciting and nerve wracking at once. I need to start visualizing my birthing experience as I did the first time around. It really helped to set me on the right course.

Decluttering // Bassinet

The epic decluttering of 2015 rages on. It’s us against the junk. Six years worth of stuff and three months to purge! We’re making great progress. It’s slow going. I mean really slow going. It’s so emotionally taxing that I am breaking it into the smallest chunks. As I’ve mentioned before, break downs happen more than I’d care to admit, but I accept that as part of the process.

I’ve received some comments & emails of support and questions, too. I really appreciate the feedback and I plan to write a thorough post outlining the entire endeavor when it’s complete. One of the things I hear the most is how difficult it is to part with sentimental things. To that, I say, yes, it truly is! It’s shocking how emotionally attached to “things” we are in this society. I addressed this issue in my original post on minimalism, but I’ll talk about it again soon.

The other exciting thing going on in the house is that we’ve gotten baby girl’s bassinet. I’ve decided to try and keep her in a bassinet in our room until she is ready to move into the nursery with Roman. I fell in love with a bassinet awhile back, but it was way out of our budget. Then a very similar one popped up for $20 in one of my local mom’s groups on Facebook! There were so many interested parties but luckily I was the first one and my father went out in an ice storm to pick it up. There is quite a bit of rearranging that needs to happen in our bedroom to make room for it, but we’ve made great progress this week and we’re almost there.

Roman James

Little Roman has had quite a week, too. I said it in his last developmental update, but the rapid pace at which his vocabulary grows is just incredible. He picked up at least ten new words and phrases this week, but my favourites are swing (which he pronounces “wing”) and hot cocoa. I melt!!

He’s been attempting to jump for awhile now and this week he mastered it. He jumps all around like a little bunny rabbit — it’s so adorable. He’s so proud, too. He often points to the ceiling as if to tell us that he is going to jump right up and hit the ceiling. Sometimes we will give him a boost so that he actually does it.

We’ve also been making a real effort to play outside for a little while each day if the weather permits. It’s quite a task with all of the necessary layers, but it’s truly worth it. Yesterday he flat out refused to nap and come evening we were in full-blown tantrum, meltdown mode. It was awful! Gratefully, he had a nap today (after some minor protesting) and I believe that the fresh air made it happen. Here are some photographs from our time outdoors today.

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

january day // livelovesimple.com

Although the winter landscape is harsh, there’s always some measure of beauty to be found outdoors — no matter the season.

They’re calling for snow & ice here tomorrow, so we’ll be housebound & keeping warm by the fireplace. Have a wonderful weekend, friends! xx

Comments (2)

  • Gillian

    January 25, 2015 at 11:24 am

    I also need to make a chiropractor appointment and start going again, I have severe neck problems but I’ve put off making an appointment – I’m hoping you mentioning it will kick start me to go as well! I can’t wait to see the bassinet that you bought – I’m sure it’s adorable! 🙂 Also, I totally agree that our society puts so much emphasis on emotional attachment to things and it’s something that I think about a lot in relation to my efforts for minimalism as well. It was so interesting to watch the emotions of other people in my family when I moved to Colorado and got rid of most of our things, they were more upset than I was – it was quite fascinating!

  • Tina

    January 27, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Beautiful photos. So great you’re getting him outside despite the cold weather. Lyla can’t be out for more than 5 minutes without crying she’s too cold haha Like mother like daughter

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