Baby’s Been…
Last week, we had Roman’s nine-month checkup. He is 31 inches tall (above the 95th percentile) and 22.5 pounds (in the 75th percentile). The doctor gave him a thorough check and he’s right on track as far as development goes.
- Bath time is his new favourite activity & man, can this boy splash!
- He can stand and walk (up to about ten steps) with assistance.
- He “dances” (rocks back & forth) every time he hears music.
- He loves to make us laugh. If he does something silly and we laugh, he’ll do it again & again — quite the little clown!
- He crawls around like a pro at top speeds.
- He’s very coordinated — picking up even the tiniest little things & he loves to feed himself.
- He’s just recently switched from three naps a day down to two. I won’t be surprised if he moves to one soon with the way it’s going.
- Occasionally he sleeps through, but most of the time he gets up once during the night to nurse.
- We are still exclusively breastfeeding. He’s stopped biting for the most part, though it still happens once in a blue.
- He’s a great chewer and will eat anything that you put in front of him.
- He has eight teeth, four of which have just broken through in the past two weeks.
- He waves bye-bye if someone leads by example. We’re still working on clapping…
- He loves to “talk” when we’re home & in the car, but clams up when other people are around.
- We have had a few difficult bedtimes recently (I think as a result of him being overtired/teething); but in general he’s just the happiest little bear!
^^^ Everyone has been commenting on how mature he look in this one. I know, I know! It’s amazing. Some of the things he does & faces he makes just bowl me over! It’s s bit difficult to see my baby turning into a boy, but it’s fun, too. He’s so much fun to interact with now. I can’t get enough of him.
Happy Tuesday, friends. xo
Comments (8)
February 25, 2014 at 3:26 pm
8 teeth!! Goodness! And he’s so tall! It’s so sweet to see him grow so much and so fast!
We still use our baby tub too. I’m just not ready for the big tub! Too much tub for a little baby! (and uses less water)
February 26, 2014 at 8:15 am
haha… yes. lots of little teeth. they seem to be coming in groups of 3/4 which is why he has so many i think. and yes, his papa is 6’5″ so i think he will be tall like him.
February 26, 2014 at 6:04 am
Awww! he looks so cute!
Splash time is a favorite one here,too. Jian can’t get enough of bath time.
February 26, 2014 at 8:15 am
thank you! 🙂
February 26, 2014 at 11:30 am
he is so, so adorable! gosh!
February 27, 2014 at 7:03 pm
We love bath time, too. The splashing! SO FUN! haha
I might have missed this prior to following you but how did you introduce solids?
Also, does Roman sleep in his own room? And does he fall asleep during the night time feeding? Or do you put him back in bed drowsy?
(As you might guess, I am trying to figure out the feeding and sleeping thing over here!)
February 28, 2014 at 9:15 pm
hello, love! i’m going to work on a post to answer these questions, i’ll put it up next week. xo
carol root
March 18, 2014 at 8:30 am
Looking sooo cute baby. My daughter is also 2 years old and she loves bathing. But she has got more teeth…..