Last week, we had Roman’s nine-month checkup. He is 31 inches tall (above the 95th percentile) and 22.5 pounds (in the 75th percentile). The doctor gave him a thorough check and he’s right on track as far as development goes. Bath time is his new favourite activity & man, can this boy splash! He can stand and walk (up to about ten steps) with assistance. He “dances” (rocks back &…
I can’t believe it. I know, I know. I say that every month. But nine months is a big one, a really big one. It marks the point at which my baby has been outside of my body for longer than he was inside of…
Baby’s Been…
All kinds of wild & crazy stuff has been going on around here! I hardly know where to begin. I’m going to break Roman’s development up into categories this time around because there’s just so much to talk about. Appearance This kid is growing like…
Eight-Month-Old Roman James
The months are flying by now. It feels like I just did our seven-month post, and here we are at eight. I suppose that’s how it goes. Sigh. There are two big changes of late and they both begin with the letter A — activity…
Baby’s Been… (Christmas Eve Edition!)
December has been an exciting month, including the most rapid developments Roman has experienced so far. Up until this month, his progress was slow & steady; but then December rolled around and bam! He sat up on his own on December 1st. He broke his…
Seven-Month-Old Roman James
What a difference a month makes! The differences in Roman’s abilities from six-months to seven-months have been the most profound yet. On December 1st, he started sitting up on his own. On December 7th, he started pushing himself up into a “crawl” position. And the…