There have been moments recently where the beauty of life brings me to my knees. Life teaches me — over and over again — that the human heart has a capacity for healing far greater than I could ever imagine. I’ve seen people rise up…
Spring Forward
We’re just a week or so away from daylight savings & spring and I can’t even begin to say what that means to me. But of course, I’m going to try. It means that we’re about to gain an hour of daylight. It means that…
Dealing with Toxic People: Poor Listeners
Over the years, I’ve been blessed with the “fortune” of knowing a few toxic individuals. The best things to come from these relationships are the gifts of: patience, understanding, and wisdom. On your end, of course. 😉 It has taken me a lifetime to learn…
HALT: A Simple Reminder for Self-Care
So many times in life, we discover that the little things really are the big things. As I wrote in my last post, I’ve been going through some major life changes and they’re far from little. But what I’ve noticed is that although the big…
My Resolutions // 2016
For the past few years, the trend seems to be to declare that one “doesn’t do resolutions.” There’s been a whole lot of jumping on the bandwagon that says, new year resolutions are silly and we should strive to be our best selves, always. (Hell,…
Now & Then // Mama & Me
Mommy & Dena Mama & Marina One of the very special things that I’ve been waiting to do since before she was born. ♥
Family Apple Picking // 2015
Over the weekend, we celebrated the Harvest Moon and went apple picking. It’s one of our favorite family traditions and a perfect way to kick off autumn. Although there are lots of orchards nearby, I spent awhile searching for an organic one. It turns out…
Getting It All Done // 5 Tips for Busy Moms
Let’s be honest — how often do you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? It’s a side-effect of the world that we live in. Go, go, go. Do, do, do. However, I never really knew what it was like to be…
Hope Floats
In recent years, I’ve begun to think of autumn as “berry season.” So many of the bushes and trees that we pass on our walks come to life in September with bundles of the most gorgeous, juicy berries in all colors. I took this set…