“We aren’t here for a long time, just for a good time.”
Roman turned three-weeks-old yesterday. What a three weeks it has been! He is the sweetest little boy this side of heaven. We’ve had all kinds of ups & downs… and lefts & rights… already. Some of the things that I expected about motherhood were spot on, others have come entirely as surprise. The first week was hard mainly because my hormones were out of whack and I hadn’t yet figured out how to sleep with an infant in my arms. I was crying multiple times each day and much of the time I didn’t even know why. One of the things that kept setting me off was the idea that, He will never be this small again. We will never be this close again. Now that the “baby blues” hormone cloud has lifted, I realize that it is true. It is also true, however, that nothing stays the same. Life is always moving forward and even though Roman will keep getting bigger and our relationship will keep changing — he will also get more precious and our bond will continue to strengthen. Yes, life is short and time moves quickly — but it’s so God-damned beautiful.
We are learning all kinds of things together. I, slowly, am learning how to be a mother. Breastfeeding and sleeping continue to be a challenge but they are challenges that we are learning to navigate. I have come to a place of so much gratitude. I often find myself thinking — How did I get to be so lucky? Then I remember that luck had nothing to do with it. Happiness has always been a choice.
Mostly, my life is so incredibly, deeply full & sweet that my heart could burst. Thank you to all of you who have been here beside me on this journey so far. Thank you for every kind word and well wish. ♥
I finally got around to editing the rest of the photographs from our time in the hospital. He is already so much bigger than this. He literally grows and changes every day. It’s crazy! Enjoy the pictures. xo
Willy Wonka: But Charlie, don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted.
Charlie: What’s that?
Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.
Comments (4)
May 29, 2013 at 4:22 pm
He is too, too precious! Congrats on your sweet boy =)
Roberta Sbrocco
May 29, 2013 at 6:46 pm
i so enjoy your writings…the baby is so beautiful…..life is short and goes by quickly you are right about that..enjoy every moment with your new son…
June 2, 2013 at 7:54 pm
Hello. I’m writing from Italy and my English is not so good, sorry ! I found your blog by chance.
I saw your photos and some of them are really splendid. Your blog is so sweet and of course I feel tenderness for your Roman: congratulations ! Enjoy your baby: children are the joy of the life (trust Italian mature mother’s word!). I wish you all the best. You’re a wonderful family.
PS: I saw your wedding video: how lovely!!!
June 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm
oh, thank you so much! your english is wonderful. i’m so glad that you found me. xoxo