The Love Month: My Funny Valentine
The days of being able to sit my little munchkin down on the floor and snap away taking lovely photographs of his bright smile are gone. This guy is on the move, non-stop. Picture time now requires two adults. One taking the shots (me) and one picking up that ball of energy and putting him down in place, a million times (papa). We had a little adventure last week to get some Valentine-themed pictures of Roman James. They’re far from perfect — but I know it’s not going to get easier anytime soon. (Hello, walking! I know you’re right around the corner!)
I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday and we had a little shindig at our house. My best friend & my sister’s sweet little family spent the day with us. We had lots of laughs and watched football. We had chips & dips — guacamole — mini hot dogs — beer! All the really good (really bad!) stuff, ya know. I don’t care much for televised sports, but I enjoy the Superbowl commercials. I have to admit that this year’s commercials were mostly a disappointment though. Oh well, there’s always next year. I didn’t take my camera out once all day, but my girlfriend (a Bronco’s fan) took this snap of Roman in his little football outfit & it made me smile.
Happy Monday, friends! Don’t forget to pop on over here for a chance to win in my latest book giveaway! xo
Comments (3)
February 3, 2014 at 1:27 pm
I just LOVE these!! The one with the hammer in his mouth *dies*
It’s funny that you talk about Roman always moving. Sam always did so good for our bear photos and yesterday, I could NOT get him to sit still! Gone are the days of easy posed photos;D We have like what, 2 more years until they’ll listen to us? 5 more years? 10?? hee hee
February 3, 2014 at 2:47 pm
Eeek! Look at that little ball of love. I know just how you feel, Mia never sat still for a photo as soon as she figured out crawling and walking. Kicking myself in the rear for not snapping more when she wasn’t moving. These are so darling and he’s so smoochable! I wasn’t going to to a Vday session…but I’m reconsidering now. Hmmmm… 😉
February 3, 2014 at 3:42 pm
I am having some disagreements with Kamal, so can he my valentine, too 😉