Spring Fling
The first step to getting what you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.
I can’t believe that we’re halfway through May already. How did that happen? I blinked and I turned thirty… and Roman turned one… and now Memorial Day is next weekend! I haven’t mentioned it yet, but we’re going on our first family camping trip Memorial Day weekend. I am so excited. My little family along with my girlfriend Kristyn & my sister’s family have rented two cabins nearby. It will be the first time that Roman is sleeping away from home since our beach trip when he was just a tiny infant. I’m a little bit nervous about whether or not he’ll sleep. At present, he refuses to sleep anywhere other than his crib or his car seat. We’re bringing along his pack ‘n play and I’m praying that he sleeps in it. If all else fails, my plan is to exhaust him until he passes out. 😉
I also wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all of the kind and generous comments on my last few posts — especially the ones about shitty days. Today is the first time in months, that I am beginning to feel like myself again. My head has been so cloudy and my thoughts scattered everywhere. It is said that the full moon in Scorpio (which was last night) brings clarity — and I truly feel more clear-headed today than I have in awhile. I hope that this is the beginning of my transition into brighter and easier days.
The clarity that I feel today reminds me of one of my favourite quotes — The first step to getting what you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. Today I am starting a new draft of my personal & professional goals. Once I get it fleshed out, I’ll be sharing the details here. I take goal-setting very seriously and believe that goals serve as maps. Without a clean set of specific and measurable goals, we will surely go astray. And it’s been far too long since I’ve had such a map for myself.
Finally, if you’re interested in advertising here on the blog, I’m currently running a special promo for my readers. Use code: SPRINGFLING15 to receive 15% off any of my ad spots or packages. I love to help other bloggers, artists, and small businesses promote their work! Click here to check out my sponsorship information.
All of the photographs in this post were taken while on a golden hour walk the other day. The glory of springtime never fails to steal my breath away. How blessed we are to live in a world full of such wonder.
Comments (5)
May 15, 2014 at 12:54 pm
As ALWAYS beautiful photography, Dena. I wish we were taking a family trip. I’m jelly a bit. I hope you have a BLAST – can’t wait to read about it and live vicariously 😉 xo
May 15, 2014 at 12:57 pm
Thanks, Crista. I’m so excited. We didn’t go camping at all last year b/c well newborn… so I am ‘jonesin!!! 😉
May 15, 2014 at 1:43 pm
I’m madly in love with your photos, they are so gorgeous!
May 15, 2014 at 1:45 pm
you are so sweet. thank you! xx
May 16, 2014 at 9:26 am
I’m excited to hear more about your goals! I love and admire your organization and determination. So cool to see that you are offering advertising now! Also, you have taken so many great nature photos this spring, I love photographing spring but haven’t done it much this year!