There have been moments recently where the beauty of life brings me to my knees. Life teaches me — over and over again — that the human heart has a capacity for healing far greater than I could ever imagine. I’ve seen people rise up from the ashes of extraordinarily tragic circumstances, grow wings, and fly once again. I’ve seen people look in the actual face of horror and loss,…
Be the Exception: Live Happiness
Why is man unhappy? No animal is so unhappy, no bird is so unhappy, no fish is so unhappy as man. Why is man so unhappy? Because man desires happiness, and the birds are happy right now; the trees are happy right now. Man desires…
Overcome Suffering with Presence
Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry—all forms of fear—are caused by too much future and not enough presence. —Eckart Tolle It’s no secret that I’ve been suffering. October has been rough. In addition to losing two pets, I’ve endured two painful injuries (shoulder & back) and…
Finding Beauty & Strength in Pain
October has always been one of my favorite months. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Autumn in New Jersey is gorgeous—the air smells crisp & sweet, of wonderful things like apple cider, pumpkin pie, & fallen leaves. The trees are afire with ghastly splashes of red,…