“Treat others the way that you would like to be treated.” You’ve heard it all your life. From the time you were old enough to understand, your parents advised you of the golden rule. Today, I’m asking you to forget it. It’s terrible advice! Treating…
I Promise You This
“One final paragraph of advice: Do not burn yourself out. Be as I am—a reluctant enthusiast, a part time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land;…
Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ theory is one of the most popular scientific theories out there. Most everyone who has watched the Discovery channel and/or has an education is familiar with it. However, there is also a common misconception about this theory. Most people equate…
Willing to Be Unpopular
“I’m willing to be unpopular,” writes Rhina Ju, as she recounts the first year of her life changing experiment. When I read that sentence, something exploded inside of me. Her words gave voice to a thing that has been lodged inside of me for months.…
Poetry Friday: Stations | Audre Lorde
Stations | Audre Lorde Some women love to wait for life for a ring in the June light for a touch of the sun to heal them for another woman’s voice to make them whole to untie their hands put words in their mouths form…
You Cannot Save People
“You cannot save people. You can only love them.” —Anaïs Nin Like all families, my family had its problems. For as long as I can remember, I believed that it was my responsibility to fix them. And so, at the ripe old age of ten,…