Beginning today, every Wednesday I’ll sift through the archives & pull out one of my favourite posts from the past three years. This week, I am featuring a post from September 2009—How to Forgive. Here is an excerpt: Forgiveness is a journey and like all journeys it takes time. You will stumble. The pain of betrayal will become so great at times that it will take you down. Some days…
moving on
Poetry Friday: Last night, as I was sleeping | Antonio Machado
Last night, as I was sleeping | Antonio Machado Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt — marvelous error!— that a spring was breaking out in my heart. I said: Along which secret aqueduct, Oh water, are you coming to me, water of a…
Poetry Friday: Good Girl | Kim Addonizio
Good Girl | Kim Addonizio Look at you, sitting there being good. After two years you’re still dying for a cigarette. And not drinking on weekdays, who thought that one up? Don’t you want to run to the corner right now for a fifth of…
Poetry Friday: survival poem #17 | Marty McConnell
survival poem #17 | Marty McConnell because this is what you do. get up. blame the liquor for the heaviness. call in late to work. go to the couch because the bed is too empty. watch people scream about love on Jerry Springer. count the…
The Saddest Day of My Life: How to Deal with the Loss of a Pet
On Saturday, October 2, our cat—Mika—went outside before we left for a birthday party. We got home around 7:30 PM. Normally she would be there waiting for us, but this time she wasn’t. Sometimes she sleeps outside but she always comes home in the morning.…
How to Forgive
“Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.” —Gandhi At some point in every person’s life, they will be betrayed. Human beings are flawed creatures. We make mistakes. It is your ability to forgive that will determine whether these betrayals…