Have you ever found yourself unable to make an important decision? Paralyzed by confusion and an impossible ability to move forward because you can’t decide what to do? Have you ever found yourself deep in a state of regret, overcome by desperation over your inability to simply “make the right decisions?” Have you ever come to a point where you just throw your hands up and give up on yourself,…
time management
Time Management: 5 Tips for Working from Home
Hello, friends! In my last few posts I talked about the rain and the cold, but pleased to report that the sun is shining and the air is warm today. It feels like an early glimpse at spring and it is such a deeply welcome…
Time Management: Meal Planning
As you’ll soon notice, I’ve been having a lot of fun with bullet-journaling. In addition to helping with time management and organization, I love that it’s encouraging me to get creative and start drawing which has been on my wishful to-do list for years. As…