Down the Shore
If you don’t live in New Jersey, you may have never heard the phrase “down the shore.” It’s a phrase that we, North Jersey-ans, use when we are traveling south to the Jersey Shore points. Going “down the shore” every summer has been a tradition in my family for years and years, since long before I was born. Of course the tradition continued after I was born and as such my family went down the shore every summer of my childhood. Without a doubt, many of my most incredible, magical memories are rooted in those trips.
It has always been a dream of mine to continue the tradition with my own family. We took Roman down last summer but he was only a few months old and I didn’t feel comfortable taking him out on the beach then. So, this year was really his first “true” trip to the seashore. Sadly most of my family no longer makes the trip every year, and for those that do, it’s not easy to coordinate travel dates. This time around it ended up being just me, Matthew, and Roman. Even though it would have been nice to have family around us, it was a really special and beautiful trip for the three of us and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Here are a few of my favourite photographs from our little getaway.
^^^ On our first night, we ate at one of my fave restaurants — Spicy’s Cantina — their shrimp & lobster quesadillas are fantastic and I look forward to having one all year. We ate out for 99% of our meals while we were away and Roman was an angel every.single.time. Waitress after waitress commented on how adorable and well-behaved he is. Sometimes I really have to pinch myself because I can hardly believe how lucky I am with this boy of mine. ^^^
^^^ These beach shots are all from my iPhone/Instagram account. I’ve invested a lot of money in my big camera and thought it better to leave it safely behind — away from the sand & sea. ^^^
^^^ The Seaside Heights boardwalk is hands down one of the best places in the world. Rides, games, food, fun, and a stunning view of the ocean. It pretty much represents everything that is beautiful about summertime. ^^^
^^^ Our beach rental was two blocks from the beach (which faces east) and one block from the bay (facing west). On our first night, I snuck away from M. & R. just before sunset to check out the view from the bay. When I got to the end of our street, I stumbled upon a field of wildflowers… at sunset… Talk about breathtaking! ^^^
^^^ This carousel was built in 1910 and has called Seaside Heights its home since 1932. It is one of only a few remaining hand-carved wooden carousels left in the country. Unfortunately, the family that owns it is going to be auctioning it off in September because of financial issues. It breaks my heart because it was such a special part of my childhood. Still, I’m glad I got to take Roman for a ride on it at least once before it is gone. ^^^
^^^ There was a great playground up the street at the bay beach. Roman had a blast, of course. ^^^
^^^ Boardwalk food — the most delicious, most unhealthy food in the world. We splurged and splurged the whole trip long. You’ve just got to do it when you’re at the Jersey shore. Fresh cut french fries covered in cheese and fresh squeezed lemonade with lots of sugar are two of my guiltiest pleasures. ^^^
^^^ Gratefully we had amazing weather and got out on the beach every day. The sand & the sea knocked Roman out like nothing else. It made nap times a cinch. ^^^
^^^ Roman loves fish and water so we decided to make a trip over to the Point Pleasant Aquarium late one afternoon. It was his first aquarium and he was equally parts thrilled & terrified of the sharks. His expressions were priceless. ^^^
^^^ There were little monkeys behind the glass in this enclosure. Monkeys are his absolute favourite (he’s obsessed with Curious George) and he is waving hello to one of the monkeys in this shot. So cute. ^^^
^^^ On our last morning, we stopped at the Park Bakery before we hit the road. The bakery has been around since 1947 and it’s seriously one of the best bakeries in the world. My mom loves their crumbcakes so we picked up a couple for her and some sweet treats for us for our trip home. ^^^
I am so grateful that we had such an amazing trip. It was really sad to drive away toward home, but we left with full hearts and the most beautiful memories that we could have hoped for… and of course we were happy to come home to our sweet Bella girl!
Comments (18)
July 28, 2014 at 10:11 am
Oh my gosh, SO many amazing photos! Wonderful post. I especially love those photos of Roman in the restaurant at the beginning of the trip! And I am seriously always in love with the photos you post of you and Roman together, they are seriously precious.
August 5, 2014 at 9:08 am
Thanks so much, Gillian! We had a great time. I honestly didn’t take my camera out nearly as much as I usually do — was trying to enjoy the moments more, but I love the memories that I did capture. <3
July 28, 2014 at 10:11 am
Oh, that little sweaty face and those chubby cheeks – there’s nothing better! <3
August 5, 2014 at 9:08 am
Thanks, Alicia! <3 <3
July 28, 2014 at 12:42 pm
I love this whole post! Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing 😉
August 5, 2014 at 9:08 am
Thank you!! 🙂
July 28, 2014 at 12:57 pm
What a lovely vacation. So dreamy and magical: ) Love your bathing suit btw!
August 5, 2014 at 9:08 am
Thanks, Suzy! 🙂
July 28, 2014 at 4:47 pm
Seaside Heights!!!! I love seeing posts about the Jersey Shore and being so proud to live here 🙂 These photos are so beautiful, I especially like the photos of him sleeping! I bring my real camera on the beach itself but I only bring my phone to the water to take photos haha So happy you guys had a great vacation! I’ll be at the beach for the week in 7 days!!!! But of course I go “down the shore” a few times a week 🙂
August 5, 2014 at 9:09 am
Thank you so much, Tina. You are a brave one for bringing your phone in the water!! 😉
Julie Arnhold
July 28, 2014 at 9:00 pm
This post seriously took me back to my childhood, going down the shore to stay at my grandmas condo in Seaside Park. Your pictures are beautiful!Your little boy is so precious and you rocked that bathing suit!! xo
August 5, 2014 at 9:09 am
Thanks, Julie!! <3
July 28, 2014 at 9:32 pm
Soo many gorgeous photos! It looks like you guys had an amazing trip!
August 5, 2014 at 9:09 am
We did. Thanks so much Kay!! xo
July 28, 2014 at 9:58 pm
I LOVE the wildflower shots!!! As a “down the shore” visiting Jersey girl, this post makes me smile!! Lovely, lovely pics, Dena!
August 5, 2014 at 9:10 am
Thank you, Erin! <3
August 3, 2014 at 4:32 pm
I have never visited Jersey Shore, but I love that you are continuing this fun summer tradition with your own son!
August 5, 2014 at 9:10 am
Thanks, Kristin. You should really check it out sometime. <3