It’s a…
Talk about a shock! Since M. is still unable to leave the house, I went to my twenty-week scan appointment solo. The thing is that we didn’t even think the scan was going to be such a big deal because we were convinced I was having a boy. I’d secretly hoped for a girl, and I even had this little “feeling” that it was a girl — but both of those things were true the first time around, too. And just like the first time around, M. was certain that it was a boy. So I guess I just gave in to his certainty and prepared myself for a little brother for Roman. I was excited about a boy, too. I mean, I would duplicate Roman ten times over if I could — they just don’t come sweeter than him! Plus, there was the whole element of convenience. We have everything that we could possibly need for another little boy & I know how to take care of a boy. I’d even spent most of my time thinking about boy names & had settled on a strong contender.
So when the tech told me that it was a girl — I didn’t believe her. No, really. I didn’t believe her and questioned her over & over while picking my jaw up off of my chest. In fact, I had to go back for a second scan a week later because baby girl wouldn’t flip over and let the tech get all of the necessary shots — and I made the second tech re-confirm the gender for me because I still couldn’t believe it. Sure enough the second tech said she’s still a girl and took some detailed shots of her girly parts to make me a believer!
I guess I’ve finally accepted it and I’m just thrilled. My lifelong dreams of little flower crowns & pink dresses & jelly sandals will come to fruition after all. I have to pinch myself a few times a day as a reminder that, yes, I am going to have a little girl of my very own. I just feel so blessed, it’s beyond words. My cup runneth over. ♥
Comments (6)
December 5, 2014 at 9:09 pm
Wow! I kind of thought baby would be a boy as well! Can’t wait to see all the wonderful pictures and hear the name you choose for her! Clearly we have somewhat of the same taste in boys’ names so I can’t wait to hear which girl name you end up with. <3
December 10, 2014 at 1:29 pm
We really do have such similar taste, Gillian! Asher was even one of my top choices — could you imagine!? We may as well be twins. 😉
December 8, 2014 at 1:19 am
Yay I knew it!!!!! And that photo is perfect!!! Congrats 🙂 🙂 🙂
December 10, 2014 at 1:28 pm
Thank you!! 🙂
Momista Beginnings
December 13, 2014 at 2:47 am
So I’ve already seen the announcement on IG and FB, but FINALLY just got around to reading this post. Congrats on your little girl! They are SOOOOO MUUUUUCH FUUUUN! Roman looks like such the little gentleman. He’s going to make a great big brother. I’m looking forward to finding out what you’re going to name her, too. As you know, I’m waiting to find out the sex of mine…so I’m having to come up with boy and girl names. The boy name is written in stone, but a girl? OMG, headache! I love the name Isla but my husband says no way. A few others that have been running through my mind: Remy, Reese and Marlo. I’m really liking Marlo. BUT IDK!!! Ugh, there are so many lovely ones but either I know someone with it, or a friend’s kid took it or the husband doesn’t like it. My gut tells me I’ve got a boy, anyways 🙂 Anyways, I hope your pregnancy is going well or at least better than the 1st trimester. -Misty
December 13, 2014 at 10:52 am
Thanks, love.
I seriously do not know HOW you are waiting to find out. I would never, ever be able to do that!
As for names, unfortunately, M. nixed my top two choices. I knew it was was inevitable because I love noun names and he hates them. However, we’ve come up with a compromise that we both love & we’re 99% set. I am now debating sharing it with the world. With Roman, we never shared because we were so uncertain but this time around we’re so certain. Whenever we talk about her, we call her by the name… So I’ll probably share soon.
As for your choices, I love Reese!!