My 29th Birthday Weekend

DenaMay 6, 2013

Yesterday was my twenty-ninth birthday. It’s kind of incredible to even think about that. Next year I will be thirty. I do not feel scared or overwhelmed about it at all. Rather, I am so very excited to celebrate the last year of my twenties. There is so much magic + beauty in my life that I cannot imagine it getting any better — but I know that it will. Isn’t that just amazing?

One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned in my twenty-nine years is that: THERE IS NO WAY TO HAPPINESS; HAPPINESS IS THE WAY. I suppose this lesson is different for everyone, but for me it means that happiness is a constant journey and a constant choice. We must actively choose happiness every, single day — every, single hour even. There is no such thing as perfect. Instead, we must find the beauty and magic within the wild + wonderful imperfection that constantly surrounds us.

I spent this weekend surrounded by people that I love. On Saturday, I spent the day at the campgrounds where my parents recently purchased a trailer. Spending the day with my parents, sister, and sweet nephews was wonderful food for my soul. We enjoyed the sunshine, barbecued, and walked around down by the lake where the row boats seem to be eagerly waiting for their first trips into the water.

There has also been a lot of “baby progress” this weekend. On Thursday I found out that I was a centimeter dilated. Then in the wee hours of Friday morning, my plug came out. In the wee hours of Saturday morning, what is known as the show began. All of these interesting/alarming things that I didn’t even know about prior to my third trimester! At any rate, things have been slowly moving forward and my doctor and I decided to move my 39-week visit from tomorrow to today, just to see where we’re at. The bottom line is that it could really be anytime now. Talk about exciting!

Well, I am off to get ready for my appointment. Wish me luck! Have a gorgeous Monday. xo

Comments (2)

  • Katie

    May 6, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    Sounds like a great weekend! I turned 30 last summer, and I was a bit apprehensive. But it’s not been so bad. Especially since my 30s are starting out with a baby =)

    Best of luck to you in the next few days…sounds like things are getting rolling =)


  • Lou Mello

    May 6, 2013 at 6:39 pm

    A belated Happy Birthday, it is just a number.

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