You’ll seldom experience regret for anything that you’ve done. It is what you haven’t done that will torment you. I really didn’t know what to expect. It was my first solo international trip. I’ve traveled internationally—England, Kenya, Wales—but always with a group. I’ve traveled solo—Seattle—but I was still in the US. Paris was going to be something different—an international journey, alone, to a place where I didn’t even speak the…
Search: Paris
36 Results
SWAN Saturday: Create the Life of Your Dreams
SWAN (Stop Wasting Away Now) Saturday is a weekly dose of inspiration from me to you. Each week I will make a short video post about something on my mind. The posts will be unscripted & shot straight from my soul. Stop wasting away now, life’s too short! (If you can’t see the video, click here.) Bonjour! This week’s short & sweet SWAN post finds me in Paris, France—just a…
A Change in the Air
Hello, loves! Yes, there is a change in the air… and it’s not just autumn. I apologize for my recent hiatus. Big things are happening. After three years, I quit my job two weeks ago. Today is my last day. And tomorrow… I am headed to Paris! I will spend a week in Paris before heading home to begin my new job. There are lots of details and of course…
How I Saved $10,000 in Six Months
The journey to becoming a saver is a difficult one. For many, it takes years. For me, it has been a personal evolution and a major lifestyle transformation. Three years ago, I was a person who purchased everything that I wanted to. The fact that I never had cash was not a problem for me… that’s what I had credit cards for. It all changed when I made a decision…
Carousel — 08.20.10
Every Friday, I post my favourite links, posts, & resources from around the Web. Expect to learn, grow, & be inspired! 1. It Should Never Come To This: If you read nothing else this week, read this. 2. The Most Intelligent Thing You Could Ever Do: A simple guide to creating happiness. 3. How to organize your life?: Practical advice about how to decrease the insanity & increase zen through…
GiT Thursday — 08.12.10
GiT (Give it Thanks) Thursday: My weekly list of gratitude for the huge & the tiny things that I am thankful for. Dinner & drinks with my ladies. Once every few months or so, my two best girlfriends and I get together for dinner & drinks. It’s nothing fancy & we usually stay local, but there is something so sweet about unadulterated “girl time” (or of course boy time if…
GiT Thursday — 08.05.10
Introducing: GiT (Give it Thanks) Thursday: My weekly list of gratitude for the huge & the tiny things that I am thankful for. The sea. I am convinced that I was a mermaid in my past life. As a toddler, I was thrown into the swimming pool to sink or swim. I swam. People are always amazed to see me swim or tread water for hours on end without exhaustion.…
Every Friday, I post my favourite links, posts, & resources from around the Web. Expect to learn, grow, & be inspired. – – – – – – – – – 1. confidence vs. blind faith: rock ‘em both: Here on the East Coast, it’s bathing suit season—no better time to start thinking about confidence! This post is about much more than confidence though. As always, I love Danielle’s real-world, genuine…
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