Hello, friends! I am going to do a little bit of a catch up. December was a whirlwind for so many reasons. The kids & I got taken down by a virus from hell that left me useless for two weeks. It was terrible. I had two class parties for Roman’s kindergarten class (#ClassMomLife). I launched a new business. I delivered the last of my autumn weddings. I finished the…
A Minimalist Children’s Gift Guide
I can hardly explain how relieved I am that Black Friday and Cyber Monday and all of the rest of that nonsense is over. The more that I reflect and plan for what I want in the coming year, the more the idea of simplicity…
Roman’s 1st Christmas Tree & A Pampers Giveaway!
Even though I’ve been itching to decorate for Christmas since the day after Halloween, we finally got around to it last week. It’s no secret that I’ve been totally wrapped up in the Christmas spirit and enjoying Roman’s 1st holiday season. Still, there is something…
Good Tidings to You
Those of you who follow me on Twitter or Instagram already know our big news, but for those who don’t, WE’RE EXPECTING! Yes, it’s true. Our little family will be growing in May. There are no words to express our overwhelming joy & gratitude for…
Choose Peace this Holiday Season
Recently I asked my Twitter and Facebook communities for tips on Surviving the Holiday Madness. Along with their tips, many people told me why the the holidays cause them stress. Manu said that he gets hung up on thinking about gifts. To combat this, he…
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Today, Matthew & I ventured out into the cool December air in search of the perfect Christmas tree! After a little bit of searching we found the perfect balsam fir. ♥ Picking out & decorating the tree are a couple of my favourite holiday traditions.…