thinking spring…
Last week I was running errands when I suddenly found myself lost in the nail polish aisle of our local pharmacy. I am not typically an impulse buyer. In fact, I try to be the opposite–minimalism is my goal. I’ve never owned more than a handful of nail polish shades in my life. But there was something about the new essie spring line that completely sucked me in. (Maybe it’s because I am so ready for spring at the moment?) But I fell in love.
I purchased three colors from the new spring line and one color from one of the previous collections. The colors are:
check in to check out — coral shade
feeling wellies — pastel yellow shade
can dew attitude — muted green shade
rainwear don’t care — taupe shade
Last year, I was at the nail salon for gel manicures every few weeks. Doing my manicures at home is on my list of intentions for 2020 so I anticipate that my polish collection will grow a little bit. Marina and Eliana have also really taken an interest in having their nails painted lately and I think that these colors will be adorable on them too.
I’ve been wanting to share some beauty posts here for awhile, so maybe this will be the first of more to come. And no, this isn’t a sponsored post, at all if you’re wondering. Just a little pop of color and self-care for this cold, windy, February afternoon. xo