Sweet, Sweet October
Yesterday was the most gorgeous, blue-sky, fluffy-white-cloud day. The warm air & sunshine felt more like the middle of July than the first day of October. Still, the sweet smell of fallen leaves and the pumpkins on all the front porches let us know that, indeed, autumn is here. Roman & I spent the afternoon walking to all of our favourite places until mommy’s legs were sore and her little boy was sound asleep in his carriage. These afternoons are so precious. They make my heart stretch & swell with joy. I hold my little boy in my arms, kiss his soft face, and squeeze him with every ounce of love in my body. Sometimes I close my eyes and wish that the moment could last forever. Tears come to my eyes as I write these words. It goes so fast. Please let me hold onto these moments just a little longer, Father Time.
Sweet, sweet October, how did you get here already?
^^^ In October! Really??!! ^^^
^^^ Hey! I’m ‘talking to you. Yeah, you! ^^^
^^^ My favourite little piggies! ^^^
^^^ My guy, I’m so in love. ^^^
^^^ A mural at my elementary school… has been there for ages. ^^^
^^^ Love the Halloween spirit at this house! ^^^
Have the most wonderful Wednesday, my loves. If you’ve got a moment, pretty please support us with a vote over on Top Baby Blogs! xoxo
Comments (8)
October 2, 2013 at 9:32 am
Beautiful pics, as usual. Love baby toes! And you captured Autumn beautifully in our neighborhood. Makes me want to go take a walk. 🙂
October 2, 2013 at 6:27 pm
Thank you, Maria! Every time I come down for a walk I always want to call you but it’s usually right around the time school gets out and I know you’re probably on your way to pick up Jack. 🙂
Rebekah Mann
October 2, 2013 at 12:33 pm
I absolutely LOVED your photos! Your Wednesday in October is so beautiful! I have clouds and rain on my side of the globe. Though, I find it gorgeous, I wouldn’t mind sunshine. I also think your little man, Roman (what an awesome name, btw) is so utterly and terribly cute! I love the shot of him in the swing with his hangs and legs spread wide. He looked like he was trying to fly (“flying baby”)! It was so cute and reminded me of my daughter. She is almost 8 months and she does something similar. Kids are such a blessing!
Your entire post filled me with such an awesome appreciation for my child, the beautiful Autumn season, and God’s backyard (i.e. Earth). Thank you for sharing all your photos and words. It truly brought me a huge smile and joy!
October 2, 2013 at 6:29 pm
THANK YOU SO MUCH, REBEKAH. <3 <3 <3 Your sweet & thoughtful comment made my day. It is readers like you who make my writing so worthwhile. I am truly grateful for your presence here. xoxo
Misty Carone
October 2, 2013 at 1:05 pm
Ugh, that little slice of heaven has the happiest eyes! Gorgeous photos. I’m sooooo looking forward to our leaves changing colors. They won’t be as autumn-ish as yours since our seasons here are sorta blah, but I’ll take whatever they give me.
October 2, 2013 at 6:29 pm
Thank you, love. He really does have the happiest eyes. I get lost in them, I swear it! 😉
Lou Mello
October 4, 2013 at 8:43 am
Love the pics and Roman is such a cutie. I love October in the lowcountry of Charleston, crisp blue sky and embracing weather in the morning with low 60’s and then mud 80’s in the afternoon.
October 4, 2013 at 9:43 am
Thanks, Lou! Oh, I bet Charleston is just gorgeous in October. Sounds heavenly.