Whether you like resolutions or not, the start of a new year is a good time to implement positive change. You can throw out the old calendar (and old memories) and start a new journey with a clean slate. Not surprisingly, most people (88% according…
The Best of evolution you
In celebration of my 10-month-blog-anniversary, I’ve decided to do a Best Of post. This is also a great place to start if you are new around here & looking to get a taste of the most delicious bits without having to sift wildly through the…
5 Tips for Focusing & My Mini Meltdown
“When the lion is chasing the antelope, he doesn’t look back. He has to eat.” –Robert Cheruiyot The antelope knows how to focus. That’s what this post is about–focus. Last Sunday I had a meltdown. I was tired. In the past few weeks, I’ve gone…
Let Go of Your Goals & Unleash Your Dreams
Dreams are Just as Important as Goals I’ve written quite a bit about setting & accomplishing goals; overcoming fears; and making the best out of difficult situations. But what I haven’t written enough about is flat out—unleashing your dreams. Goal setting is a very mathematical…