Hello my dear friends! Happy June! I am so enchanted with this beautiful month. Here in the northeast, the early spring blossom has passed and an entire new set of beautiful blooms are open. It is peony & rose season and — oh my goodness — is there anything better? Actually, there is one thing that I can think of… two nights past, the fireflies came out! Summer warmth, roses,…
Recipe: Simple Summer Hummus
Saturday was hot, hot, hot and I was busy with house chores all day. When lunch time came, I was craving something simple and light. I took my classic hummus recipe and added a summer twist. If you’d like to try it yourself, you’ll need:…
We choose pain because we know it.
I’d first heard about Harlow’s Monkeys in a high school psychology class called Human Behavior. There, we scratched the surface. It would not be until later at university that someone would explain it to me in no uncertain terms, the nightmare of it. The images—video…