I took off from work last week, the week between Christmas and New Year. It was quite possibly the smartest thing I have ever done. It was an absolutely necessary break from the confines of my “routine” and job. I feel more as though I…
Self Responsibility, Integrity, Capitalism
I met Andy Feld last week at a conference in Atlantic City. Andy’s sessions touched me in a deep & profound way. Andy travels the country and speaks to people about how to create success, happiness, and abundance in their lives. I am honored to…
Improve Your Listening & Communication Skills
photo credit Fact: Human beings can understand 1200 words per minute; yet most people only speak at a rate of 300 words per minute. Fact: Only 7% of what you say is conveyed through the words that you use. Fact: 80% of the conversations that…
Stop Over-Thinking & Burn Your Ships!
“Sometimes the key to success is a situation where there’s no going back.” —Alex Shalman One of Julius Caesar’s most famous victories occurred when he set fire to his own ships upon stepping onto enemy soil. Caesar and his men had no choice but…
Pretend and Be: How to be What You Dream of Being
Recently I read this: Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. This struck me very intensely. It gave clarity to a thought that has been swimming around in my mind for a long time. It was one…
How to Survive & Thrive When You Hate Your Job
Lately I’ve read hundreds of articles with titles like “Quit Your Job Today and Move to Costa Rica” “Quit Your Job Today and Find Freedom” and the ever-popular “Quit Your Job Today and Pursue Your Passion.” Well, I am not saying that any of…
Simple Ways to be Happier
photo credit By now you know that you can not seek happiness, you must live it and here are some simple ways that you can begin living happiness today. Get Enough SleepMost people have no idea of the tremendous importance of sleep. Sleep is crucial…
How to Beat Self-Doubt & Accomplish Anything
photo credit When I decided to start this blog last winter, I had doubts. Many automatic negative thoughts rushed through my mind: With all of the blogs out there, why would anyone want to read mine? Why should anyone care what I have to say?…
Cut the Fat, Transform Your Life
Photograph CreditChaos, sloth, toxicity, greed, gluttony, rage, envy. How often do you experience feelings like this? If the answer is anything but rarely or never, then you need to consider altering your lifestyle. The reality is that in today’s world there are endless opportunities to…