Finally an easy one, the proudest moment of my life took place on — May 7, 2013 at 5:43 a.m. — when Roman James entered the world. I was proud because I brought a life into the world but I was also proud because I…
I Knew Before I Knew
I have a feeling that people think I am crazy when I tell this story… but I tell it anyway because it’s the truth. In the beginning of September last year, I was sitting on the couch one day doing nothing exceptional. In fact, I…
Baby’s Been… (Morning Light)
I always thought of six-months as this magical, far-off land that would take a lifetime for us to reach. We would “get there” someday but it would take a long, long time — but suddenly, here we are, just a couple weeks away. My tiny…
Why Pumping Doesn’t Work for Us
Mother Breastfeeding her Baby, by Louis Fleckenstein, c. 1900. I am going to write a series about breastfeeding. For many women, myself included, breastfeeding is one of the most challenging aspects of new motherhood. I am not an expert, but I have been doing it…
Something Extraordinary
Something extraordinary (to me) happened this morning. Roman’s changing pad has always been one of his favourite places. I know, weird, right? I kind of get it though. It’s always been such a place of smiles and routine for us. From the time that I…
Four-Month-Old Roman James
Yesterday my sweet boy turned four-months-old. He is a little cherub. I hear him let out a little sigh in the morning and I know that he’s awake. Tired though I may be, I am so excited to get out of bed, walk to his…
Work/Life Balance as a New Mom
Over the summer, when my maternity leave ended and I resigned from my job, I never anticipated that I’d be working more than ever. Of course I knew that being a stay-at-home-mom would require a ton of work; but what I didn’t expect was that…
Baby Weight Loss: Smoothies
I’ve been working to lose the fifty pounds that I gained during pregnancy. It’s been coming off pretty steadily but the last ten pounds seems to be sticking. It is likely because I am breastfeeding, and as such, eating like a horse that got loose…