There are seven seedlings growing in my windowsill. A couple of months ago, I filled eight little cups with potting soil. I stuck my finger down into each one to make a hole. Then I dropped a pinch of seeds into each hole and covered it with soil. I waited with the eager anticipation of a child on Christmas Eve, and eventually each cup had little sprouts, except for one.…
Act, and God Will Act
Act, and God will act. —Joan of Arc I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of manifestation. I believe in the power of positive thinking. Not only do I believe in these things, but I know these things. I have…
Poetry Friday: Last night, as I was sleeping | Antonio Machado
Last night, as I was sleeping | Antonio Machado Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt — marvelous error!— that a spring was breaking out in my heart. I said: Along which secret aqueduct, Oh water, are you coming to me, water of a…
The Energy Within You
Right now there’s an energy pushing you to stay on your path. The quote came from my fortune cookie in yesterday’s lunch. Isn’t it beautiful & inspirational? Such profound wisdom tucked away in such a small cookie. The Universe was trying to tell me something…
Let Go of Your Goals & Unleash Your Dreams
Dreams are Just as Important as Goals I’ve written quite a bit about setting & accomplishing goals; overcoming fears; and making the best out of difficult situations. But what I haven’t written enough about is flat out—unleashing your dreams. Goal setting is a very mathematical…