Let’s talk about fear. They say that you should do one thing, every day, that scares you. So here I am posting this video to my Instagram. My instinct is to pretend that this doesn’t exist, to quietly practice & never show anyone. Because I need more time, to look better, to be better. I’m not good enough right now. I’ll be good enough in the future. I’ll wait. Right?…
Write Hard and Clear About What Hurts :: Part One
The past three weeks of my life have been good. I am healthier and happier than I’ve been in a very long time. But rewind to the twelve months that came before this, and it was a completely different story. A year ago, my life…
heart spill // february
I’m tired and sad in a heartbreaking way. I think perhaps I shouldn’t be writing this today. After all, I felt fine yesterday. But perhaps I only felt fine for a little while at a time. Perhaps, I really am just sad and tired. And…
heart spill // november
My heart is preparing itself for winter. I find myself wondering how I will survive. These seasons of my life are the hardest and the most full of wonder that I will ever know. There is the solitude of marriage; the solitude of motherhood; the…
Hope in the Dark Places
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger — something better, pushing right back.” —Albert Camus…
Home Sweet Home
I spent the first half of this week on trains and in meetings and having dinner with strangers. There’s nothing like work travel to make me appreciate how much I truly love my life at home. Our hydrangea & hosta are nearly in full bloom.…