When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past. Hello. My name is Dena and I’m a recovering worrier. I’ve been a “worrier” since I was a little…
The Gulf Oil Spill
How is it possible that humans killed in excess of one hundred million fellow humans in the twentieth century alone? Humans inflicting pain of such magnitude on one another is beyond anything you can imagine and that’s not taking into account the mental, emotional, and…
5 Tips for Inexpensive, Socially Conscious Eating
This is a guest post from my friend, Liz. You can find more of her practical advice & beautiful insights at her Tumblr, If It’s Important. I’d like to preface this by saying that I’m no expert and I don’t subscribe to any particular movement…
The Best of evolution you
In celebration of my 10-month-blog-anniversary, I’ve decided to do a Best Of post. This is also a great place to start if you are new around here & looking to get a taste of the most delicious bits without having to sift wildly through the…
Critical Facts About Our Planet: Celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day is tomorrow—Thursday, April 22nd! I am so excited about this and inspired by the amazing & innovative ways that people around the globe are planning to celebrate this important day. While I believe that Earth Day should be every day, I am still…
Review: The Power of Now
The Power of Now had been on my “to-read” list for years when, by a stroke of fate, a dear friend offered to lend me her audio copy. Based on my general understanding of the book and its content (prior to reading it) I felt…
3 Super Simple Ways to Reduce Stress, Improve Health, & Live Happy
Want to know how you can cut your stress in half? How about if there were two things you could change that would drastically alter your stress levels for the rest of your life? Now I bet you really want to know, right? What if…
Hakuna Matata: 8 Lessons I Learned in Kenya
The Adventure Begins I was taking a required elective, World Geography, during my senior year of college. If it hadn’t been for that elective, I would have never been in the Science Building at all. (I was an English Major with a Creative Writing focus.)…
Tired of Conflict Bringing You Down?
Dealing With Conflict Conflict takes many forms—misunderstanding, frustration, ignorance, hatred, envy, and so on—but despite the cause, the result is largely the same: someone walks away with hurt feelings. The truth is, however, that this is not necessary. You can choose to be unaffected by…